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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. This is so good I'm so happy to hear. I'm running a Yoga teacher training in Perth this month and found myself comparing the CSS vision exercises from level too to the concentration exercises we have in the more traditional forms of Yoga. There's so many cross overs - what we do with the body is obvious but the control of the mind is just as relevant. So good
  2. This is a good thing we might be onto something here!
  3. Hey guys! As a Senior Yoga and meditation teacher I've been thinking allow about how yoga practise could be helping riders. The obvious benefits would be increasing strength and flexibility particularly in the lower body and core. But more than that the work good Yoga can do on focus, stress reduction and management, clarity etc could be greatly beneficial. My question is has anyone used a regular Yoga practise or techniques to try and assist their riding? And if so did you find it beneficial?
  4. Great meeting you the other day Cobie. The camp was great and I learnt stacks about myself and of course about riding motorcycles. I'm going through the application now with a long term view - I'll send through as an email as soon as it's done. Thanks again! Stefan
  5. Wooop! See you tomorrow Laura can't wait to pick your brains Stefan
  6. Thanks so much pal I will! I ended up getting a soy little air B and B on the cheap, just sorting a rental car now and I'm ready to go! Anyone coming down to this one? Stefan
  7. Hey guys! All the way from Australia I'll be spending a little bit of time in the states in a few weeks and while I'm around participating in the CSS 2 day intensive. I'm super excited and look forward to meeting some other cornering enthusiasts and getting familiar with a new track and a new bike. Any advice on where to stay? Thanks guys! Stefan
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