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Posts posted by mha

  1. Thanks Cobbie and the rest I'm going to pickup those two books! And yes I'm going to work at it for the next 6 months and try and get experienced in my skills and I WILL GO TO YOUR SCHOOL! sometime next year (work permiting)

    And I'd take you guys up on your offer to teach me to ride but alas I'm not in Arizona, I'm about 3,500 miles away in Hawaii, that's where the surfing and freediving come into play. We don't have really any open country or wide spaces but I'm looking for a training school to improve rider skills here. I am inspired!



  2. Hey thanks guys! I feel alot better now, yea I'm going to pick up the two books can you please give me the complete titles? You guys made me feel so good that while sitting in the lineup waiting for waves yesterday evening all I could think about was picking up my bike and getting experienced so I can take the class next year. I know it will take me a good 6 months to pick up and be confident in basic riding skills but still I'm so excitied. I still respect my mom, wife, brother, sister and friend and their comments about it being dangerous or destructive, but your comments have also inspired me. Hope my equiment gets here before my riders class.




  3. Question for instructors:

    Do you or would you take on a total newbie? In other words a person who has absolutely no experience on motorcycles and is only just starting to ride. See forum under Kook. Reason I ask is that being a new rider it would be good to learn good techniques and not pickup bad habits or stupid ideas from other common street riders. What a better place to learn and become proficient then under experienced and proven race instructors.

    Good Idea?


  4. Aloha All,

    I surf alot and in surfing a beginner newbie is called a Kook, Hodaddy, Gremmie and that's basically what I am. I figure gas will be $4.00 a gallon by next year (it's 3.27 @ gal. now). My daily commute to my office is about 6 miles one way or 12 miles all together and using my truck costs me about $100.00 a month and climbing. SO! I'm planing on getting a motorcycle to commute to and from my office. I'm going to take my beginner rider course this October and pickup a Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Yes I've looked around and did my homework and by far I've found this bike to fit me and my beginner status. It's one of the only bikes that I can actually straddle and have my feet planted on the ground I'm 5'-3" tall. Now that you've all stopped laughing, don't worry I'm used to it I'm seriously thinking of attending your school. I've always had a philosophy of learning and mastering a skill if I'm getting into it. I'm a former High School State Champion wrestler, Active Surfer, Avid spearfisher/Freediver, practiced martial arts most of my life, active High school wrestling coach, amature chef, never aquired a talent for musical insturments but god knows I've tried. So I'm thinking of attending your school while it's in Las Vegas since it's alot closer and travel expense and time will be cheaper. I'm 52 yrs. old, you know my height, my weight about 140 lbs. and in realitively good health. No heart problems, No high blood pressure, No diabetes or Hypertension. I surf almost everyday, and freedive on the weekends and practice and coach wrestling everyday while in season run 2-3 miles a day, don't smoke, no drugs, drink socialy only.


    My reason for attending your school would be to gain experience in control and confidence in riding. I feel that by going to this school and learning all the techniques it will make me a better street rider. I'm not supid to go racing on the freeway or city streets but feel that with these racing and extreem techniques it would help me be a better safer rider able to get out of situations and become more actively aware of my suroundings or potential hazardous situations ahead and around me. I'd like to eventually get to a point where I'm confident and have the nessecary skills to race on the track, not to compete but be competent to do so. This is the level I'd like to finally master and acquire do you all think this is a good idea or is my wife correct and blaming all this on a midlife crisis? Instructors please respond I'd like your opinion please, thanks,


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