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Posts posted by Canidae

  1. Hi!

    Recently did level 1 and 2 and all new to this forum.


    Believed myself to be a fairly capable and "thinking" rider even before, but the lesions/drills really do sharpen the tools on hand to both analyze and improve your riding technique.Great fun to, so thanx a lot!


    So to my question - I´m not really sure I got the "3-step" as intended by CSS, and the time with my coach during that particular drill was cut a bit short. Its not really covered in ATOTWII. As I understand it the general point is to give a sequential guide to vision as:

    1. Locate the turn-in point

    2. Once comfortable you will hit it locate the apex

    3. Once comfortable you will hit it locate the exit or vanishing point depending on which is most feasible in that specific corner.


    Would you say this is correctly understood?

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