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Posts posted by slowest1

  1. You are right, of course, Dylan: Throttle Rule Number One. Then, as the narrator in the "Twist II" DVD says, "... at some point, you can PIN IT!"


    Hi Crash106,


    I had to ride two hours to get to a very good twisty roads where I could practice my Level I drills. I'm a lot more comfortable with my corner entry and lines now than I used to. I'm hoping to focus on increase my speed as I perfect the level I skills. I have to confess that I am counting down to that day tongue.gif.

  2. Hi Hotfoot,


    It was great meeting you too! Sorry I caught you during your off-track break and I appreciate you taking time and chatting with me. I arrived at VIR the night before the class and the weather did not look good at all but as soon as the level I group started suiting up for the track, the rain stopped and the track started drying up. Besides the steamy weather, couldn't ask for a more perfect condition :)



    During just one day at the school, I improved my riding and renewed my passion for riding on the track. The level structure of the school, allows slow learners like me to focus on improving certain set of skills without getting overwhelmed.


    I was also lucky to have JT as my coach. The man is a natural born teacher. I can't remember the last time when I was able to finish my entire track session, due to physical exhaustion. I always came to the pit lane during the last two laps of the session. Thanks to JT, I fixed my body positioning and actually finished the rest of my sessions and still had energy left for more. I learned a lot, had a blast, and definitely look forward to my level II after perfecting the routines from level I.


    I just wanted to thank everyone on this thread, Kevin, Bullet, Kai, Razor, and off course Hotfoot for encouraging me not go give up and give this course a try. I'm glad I listened to all of you. May the good karma be with you :)



    Hi Ardi!


    Thanks for coming over to say hi at the school, it was great to meet you! Sorry we didn't have a chance to chat longer, I looked for you again a little later in the day and didn't find you. It sounded like things were going well for you when I saw you, how did the rest of your day go?


    I had a blast, personally, despite the rather steamy temperatures - VIR is a wonderful track!! Plus I had some terrific improvements in my riding, and that feeling of accomplishment is fantastic. We certainly lucked out on the weather, it was raining cats and dogs in the morning but amazingly cleared up completely (and DRIED!) in time for our first session on track.


    I really hope it went well for you, please post and let us all know.



  3. Now, that's great news. You be sure to tell us how it goes now? We'll be looking forward to hearing what you got from the day.


    Now, most important thing for you Ardi. If on the rare off chance you're are having a bad day, you're not getting something or you're unsure about something, please just mention it, tell em Bullet said you should wink.gif . The guys/team will endeavour to make sure they cater to make sure you do have a great day. Can you make sure that you'll commit to that too? I doubt you'll need to, but it's important just to mention it to you. Your experience matters a lot to us.






    I have a very good feeling about this class. I promise to take full advantage of this course and will let you know about my experience. The problem now, is that there are 6 more days to the 18th and I can hardly wait :)


    thank you so much,


  4. HotFoot, Bullet, and Kevin, I really appreciate you providing me with your invaluable insights. Every post I read from you guys put me at more at ease.

    I went ahead and signed up for the 18th at VIR. August 17th was completely booked :(

    My fault for not posting here sooner.


    Thanks again for all your help.




    I'd appreciate if the instructors could give me their comments on the following.

    I've been riding for about 8 years now (on and off). I've attended many track schools and in all of them I was recognized as one of the safest riders in the class. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to improve my track skills in any of those schools that much. One of the head instructors in one of those famous track schools told me: "I always have to remind students in the class to slow down and try not to get over their heads, but you are the only one that I have to tell to go faster!"


    I gave up on riding on the track, accepting that I might never get very good at it, but I just found out that there is room in the two single day course at VIR in August. Do you think I should give it another shot?



    I went to a CSS school, Level 1, my first time on racetrack. I started out really slow and had great improvements. I improved so much that I decided riding on the track was fun, and that I could someday get good at it. Then I went to a couple of other, different schools. Long story short, they scared me, made me think the whole sport was a lot more dangerous than I perceived it to be (I am very safe rider, too), and confused me. So I came back to CSS, and once again made startling improvements. CSS provides a safe, organized, and very well planned day in a program that works very, very well. Many other schools focus on "making you safe" whilst simultaneously scaring the pants off you by telling you all the things you COULD do wrong that MIGHT lead to disaster. CSS shows you how to do it right, get solid control of your motorycle and know exactly how to make it do what you want. Speed comes along with that, if you want it to.


    Personally, I never need to be reminded to slow down and not ride over my head - I was never willing to go fast until I was sure I knew how to control the bike, CSS gave me that knowledge, now I go fast and still never ride over my head. I've never felt pushed, rushed, confused, or scared at a CSS day, and I've made BIG improvements every time.


    Yes, come on out to VIR! I'll be there, August 17 & 18, come say hi - look for a lady with long brown hair who looks really happy to be there, that's me. smile.gif


    Ya see, I told ya. :-)


    Great post Hotfoot.



  5. Hi Bullet,

    as long as you have the desire to improve, are open and able to change and apply the drills we coach at the school, you'll improve


    Don't worry about your pace, we get all paces, don't feel self concious, be part of your learning and we'll improve together.



    I absolutely have the desire to improve and I'm definitely open to change and the above two quotes are enough for me to give it another shot.



    thanks again,







  6. Rainman,


    you hit the nail on the head:

    I have attended other Schools and have been the unfortunate receipient of track club control rider's coaching in the past



    I also attended a few of those track days with so and so track clubs and at the end of each day I found myself more and more confused and physically/mentally exhausted.

    Thanks again for your encouragement.

  7. I'd appreciate if the instructors could give me their comments on the following.

    I've been riding for about 8 years now (on and off). I've attended many track schools and in all of them I was recognized as one of the safest riders in the class. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to improve my track skills in any of those schools that much. One of the head instructors in one of those famous track schools told me: "I always have to remind students in the class to slow down and try not to get over their heads, but you are the only one that I have to tell to go faster!"


    I gave up on riding on the track, accepting that I might never get very good at it, but I just found out that there is room in the two single day course at VIR in August. Do you think I should give it another shot?

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