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Posts posted by TheGermanControl

  1. ..." I call it 'just driving around' on the track." :)


    Indeed, for other’s I may drive around the track… coasting, not breaking hard enough, using gear box to slow down, etc . lol but I’m getting better and better. Especially thanks to CSS and my 5 track days under my belt -still wet diapers, especially on fast sweepers going ~120mph (BIR T1 & T2) with ripples in the pavement uuuhaaa what a feeling and rush :-)

  2. You guys are right, below is Dave Moss comment on his Facebook page. And for me as a rookie it's eye opening....slow in is faster and safer.

    The shiny band is what he is referring to aka coasting.

    Now I know and gonna get back out on the track to focus on to increase corner speed control uuhhhhh.



    Dave Moss

    maintenance throttle is 25-30% throttle to ensure the bike is being driven forward and the forks and shock are put under duress. This would be less than 20% throttle.

  3. Coasting = Maintenance throttle?

    When using maintenance throttle through a corner is that considered coasting?

    I define maintenance throttle a very fine (little) increase in throttle through the turn, until you hit your exit drive mark and push your bike back up.


    Are we able to tell via the rear tire wear pattern, if and how much a rider is coasting?

    When coasting is the weight more on the front vs rear?





  4. Rear Rebound - trailing Edge vs. leading Edge?


    Tire Question:

    1. Trailing Edge has a lip, does that mean we have to increase rebound aka make it softer ==> turn to S vs. H?
    2. Leading Edge has a lip = make it harder aka turn towards H (harder)?
    3. How can you tell your coasting through to corners on a rear trailing edge (lip) vs having a rebound issue?


    Definitions Questions:

    1. 2 clicks out = from H (hard) to S (soft) 2 clicks?
    2. Is the saying X clicks out always from H (Hard all the way in) to Soft (all out)?






  5. The Jolly German here, here is my feedback regarding my 2 day March Vegas riders boot camp. First or dust –tar up, I would and will recommend to any rider to take part of a CSS riders camp.

    Not only are the coaches’ true coaches and listen, understand and truly are committed to each student’s success. However that doesn’t stop with the coaches, the entire staff is there to make it so pleasant that you actually cry when it’s time to leave the school :-(


    In essence I would categorize my pointers- feedback more administrative adjustments.

    Here are a couple pointers that I found needs to be refined IMHO;

    2 day Riding Boot Camp observation, Vegas March 2015


    a) The Off Track Bike drills where for me one of the major buy-ins, especially the sliding and front lock up bike. Sadly due to scheduling conflict I was only able to partake in the lean bike and lost 1 entire track session including all other off track drills as well.


    B) At the end of day 1, a riding-achievement summary was missing. The next day I felt confused where my skill level was, and my confidence due to the newly learned techniques bottomed out. I simply wasn’t sure if I correctly apply those new techniques the correct manner or not.


    c) At the end of the 2 day boot camp riding school program, there was no overall summary of achievements and or improvements aka scoring card based on the learned techniques, I wasn’t sure how I overall performed and which techniques more needed work aka homework.


    d) It would be great having a continuous improvement strategy laid out for 2 day boot camp students, which could tie into CSS next levels.


    e) Also my expectation of the video reviews where not meet, I thought it would provide me with better understanding of my riding shortcomings. Sadly I didn’t get the needed feedback, for ex. Saying that I have to look at a RP for step 2 make sense, but for myself is how did you derived or concluded this error on the video. I can’t see it.. Sorry I should spoke up more during the video session.


    Anyhoooow Keith, you and your 19 CSS Vegas crew members treated us like family, it was difficult to leave. Thank you again for improving my riding skills and giving me a framework from which I can improve upon. Still it would tremendously beneficial having a having a continues improvement strategy laid out for me – us students at the end of the school curriculum.




    Twin Cities, MN

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