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Posts posted by rlucas

  1. Hi Motozine,


    No problem, we can help you unload. There are usually a bunch of guys unloading, it's easy and we'll be happy to assist too, just let one of us know.


    Prep is minimal: no coolant needs to be changed, if you want to tape up the glass and remove the mirrors, that helps, but we can do it that morning for you, no problem. We'll also do a basic tech inspection and set your tires too.


    Let us know if you need anything else.






    Is the coolant thing something set by CSS or the track?

  2. I was told I could buy Dunlop Qualifiers at the school. Will there be someone there that can mount them for me? I was also wondering if there'd be someone that could assist me in setting up the suspension. I will be taking the school at Mid-Ohio on August 7th, but I will also be there on the 6th with a friend that's taking it that day. I figured I could get the tires and stuff setup that day so I'd be ready the next day.

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