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Posts posted by gnayed

  1. Here is the problem I see with trying to be back. When you are setting up for a corner most always you are just popping up and braking for all you're worth. The front dives and you are pushed into the tank naturally. So in order to be back on the seat, you either have to push yourself away from the tank by using your arms (on the handle bar, which is bad news) or somehow be strong enough to pinch the tank with your knees to prevent you from going forward in the first place. That's the problem I see. It might be easier to just let yourself slip towards the tank as you are braking, so maybe that's why most riders are close to the tank. What do you think?

    But I seem to have a problem holding to my seat just by letting my inner thigh and groin slip to the tank. As I'm almost being lifted up due to the braking, any way to rectify this problem?

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