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Painting The Fairings

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I need to address a couple of minor scratches in the fairing and I am curious about surface prep. One area of the fairing was scratched into the primer level so I have prepped that area with a 600 grit paper well past the blemish. I need to paint it with color (using a tack coat on the first step) because I am into the primer. Once painted I will finish it with clearcoat (again with a tack coat first) but there are other areas where the scratches appear to be only in the clear coat. Can I re-clearcoat those areas or do I need to apply paint and then clearcoat over top? As I sanding thru the clear I never had any color show up on the paper ergo the question. Also, how far out past the damaged area do you feather the clear?




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you can re-coat with clear but the idea is to sand all but the clear in the scratch off. you will but a lot on to fill scratches and then take it back down until the surface is smooth.

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