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Posts posted by sakhmetii

  1. For the record, I don't give Hotfoot that much ###### about her diet (like maybe said something once in passing) but I have been told that a can of Coke has 19 spoons of sugar--can anyone confirm this? And I'm not saying she lives on the things either. Now, I have a personal weakness for....I think I'll leave that one out and just plead the 5th on this one.


    I tried the experiment, and it was whichever leg was behind the other in the crossed leg position, and only just barely higher.




    I am really the last person who should be responding to this but, as I seem to be the only other girl here...lucky you.

    Let's see if I can remember back to when I was healthy. (I was once, believe it or not!)

    I've never been a big fan of the gym. When I did use them, I would generally do floor exercises or take some type of interesting looking cardio class. These things tend to incorporate stretching, strengthening, and a lot of coordination building movement. Fav's were cardio kickboxing (added plus if you get into a good class you get to hit and kick a full size bag-FUN and, they teach you neat things like how to fall properly though probably harder to pull off at speed.), dance aerobics, and dance stretch (Say what you may, dancers are hella buff; try full-pointe for a couple of minutes). Mostly used free weights as these also lend to coordination and balance. Pretty much avoided machines as they seem to work only a specific muscle or muscle set and put a lot of undue stress on joints-generally find that using your own body weight or maybe adding just a little gives a better overall workout, especially for the core muscles. Exception would be circuit training which incorporated some machines. Don't care for the brain death of an indoor cycle (nor the often awkward pedal rotation) or treadmill. Did a lot of mountain biking, loved some good Sierra single-track, developes a sharp awareness of the environment, the ability to react to it, coordination, and balance (especially when on the edge of a long drop into a gorge!). Pretty much used the bicycle for any mundane trip 10 miles or under throughout the day as well. Even did a shortened century once-so glad to find out it was 61.4 miles instead of 64.1! 4-5 miles or under was a nice walk. Not into running-more stress than necessary on the skeletal system and can get the same work out in ways I personally found more to my taste. Scuba, hiking, camping, etc.-the outdoor activities also climatize you and you're not as affected by weather.


    Then that all came to an abrupt end. For a very long time. Now, I'm pretty much zero to low impact girl. From scuba to aquatic therapy with those sweet folks three times my age-I advise some type of aquatic work/swimming for core strengthening and a good resistance work-out minus the annoyance of gravity. Yoga (Yes, yoga. It's just every stretch you've ever done under a different name-and then some-called a "pose" and something like "Warrior One". Just remember, "Let the breath be the most noticable part of the pose" means "Don't forget to breath.") incorporates stretching, strengthening and balance and there are millions of specific or modified routines available for those who may have individual concerns or issues. (You should pay attention to this paragraph, Hubbard.) I tried to up the ante and add some new stuff but that seems to have ended rather poorly for the time being. I'll let you know if I come up with anything else.


    I don't diet. If I tell myself I can't eat something, I will develop cravings for it. Used to be able to eat anything but have to be more careful now. Learned to love the salads but get bored of them quickly. Can't give up pizza.


    As for Cobie's Coke question:



    For the original stretch question, some general ideas:



    For the healthy:


    (Very popular with wrestlers, MMAs, and those firemen from around the corner)


    And, BTW, if you haven't been paying attention to Hubbard, you really want strengthen and stretch your back. It doesn't matter how strong your arms or legs are or how big your pectoral muscles happen to be-if you damage your spine, you're screwed.

  2. For the record, I don't give Hotfoot that much ###### about her diet (like maybe said something once in passing) but I have been told that a can of Coke has 19 spoons of sugar--can anyone confirm this? And I'm not saying she lives on the things either. Now, I have a personal weakness for....I think I'll leave that one out and just plead the 5th on this one.


    I tried the experiment, and it was whichever leg was behind the other in the crossed leg position, and only just barely higher.




    I am really the last person who should be responding to this but, as I seem to be the only other girl here...lucky you.

    Let's see if I can remember back to when I was healthy. (I was once, believe it or not!)

    I've never been a big fan of the gym. When I did use them, I would generally do floor exercises or take some type of interesting looking cardio class. These things tend to incorporate stretching, strengthening, and a lot of coordination building movement. Fav's were cardio kickboxing (added plus if you get into a good class you get to hit and kick a full size bag-FUN and, they teach you neat things like how to fall properly though probably harder to pull off at speed.), dance aerobics, and dance stretch (Say what you may, dancers are hella buff; try full-pointe for a couple of minutes). Mostly used free weights as these also lend to coordination and balance. Pretty much avoided machines as they seem to work only a specific muscle or muscle set and put a lot of undue stress on joints-generally find that using your own body weight or maybe adding just a little gives a better overall workout, especially for the core muscles. Exception would be circuit training which incorporated some machines. Don't care for the brain death of an indoor cycle (nor the often awkward pedal rotation) or treadmill. Did a lot of mountain biking, loved some good Sierra single-track, developes a sharp awareness of the environment, the ability to react to it, coordination, and balance (especially when on the edge of a long drop into a gorge!). Pretty much used the bicycle for any mundane trip 10 miles or under throughout the day as well. Even did a shortened century once-so glad to find out it was 61.4 miles instead of 64.1! 4-5 miles or under was a nice walk. Not into running-more stress than necessary on the skeletal system and can get the same work out in ways I personally found more to my taste. Scuba, hiking, camping, etc.-the outdoor activities also climatize you and you're not as affected by weather.


    Then that all came to an abrupt end. For a very long time. Now, I'm pretty much zero to low impact girl. From scuba to aquatic therapy with those sweet folks three times my age-I advise some type of aquatic work/swimming for core strengthening and a good resistance work-out minus the annoyance of gravity. Yoga (Yes, yoga. It's just every stretch you've ever done under a different name-and then some-called a "pose" and something like "Warrior One". Just remember, "Let the breath be the most noticable part of the pose" means "Don't forget to breath.") incorporates stretching, strengthening and balance and there are millions of specific or modified routines available for those who may have individual concerns or issues. (You should pay attention to this paragraph, Hubbard.) I tried to up the ante and add some new stuff but that seems to have ended rather poorly for the time being. I'll let you know if I come up with anything else.


    I don't diet. If I tell myself I can't eat something, I will develop cravings for it. Used to be able to eat anything but have to be more careful now. Learned to love the salads but get bored of them quickly. Can't give up pizza.


    As for Cobie's Coke question:



    For the original stretch question, some general ideas:



    For the healthy:


    (Very popular with wrestlers, MMAs, and those firemen from around the corner)

  3. Fossil's riding is a good example :) (and success for us too).




    And, on the other end of the spectrum....


    You just had to say "too fast" and "corkscrew", didn't you?


    Man, that Trevor guy has the sniper-glare. He can hit you with that from behind a pair of opaque shades from over a mile away and burn a hole straight through the center of your soul! (Give me a break, buddy. That was the best riding I did all day!)


    So, yeah, I've ridden better in my worst motorcycling nightmares. Though I did not break the ZX nor the lean bike. :blink: That's about all I managed. However, despite that, everyone at CSS was beyond great, as usual!! Kristi was wonderful (and kind). All the coaches were very clear and professional. Though it may not be apparent, I learned an amazing amount of useful skills that will have to be implemented. I have a lot of work to do-good to know. And, again, a special thanks to Mr. Groom for trying so valiantly to get me into position and working with me on the lean bike. You did great honey but, there's no fighting that iliotibial band right now-which is something I'll address in the conditioning thread I've been trying to get back to for the last month. No, Dylan. I will not be borrowing Stu's thigh master. I must find another way. Those things have always looked dangerous to me.


    Could someone please explain to Fossil that 102 degree track day just doesn't beat the 400 mile stretch of nothing with a slaughter yard stuck in the middle that is the 5 corridor in full leathers during record highs with crackhead CHPs repeatedly zooming past you to swerve into the center median-you, sir, are freaking me out! (They're up to no good, I tell you.)


    And, as for you Rainman....It would seem your powers to manipulate the elements were highly under estimated. It won't happen again. As you have already begun talk of Sears Point, let me just say, it doesn't matter how much faster than me you are. Eventually, I'll get you. It would be best if you keep nice, temperate thoughts in mind.


    Thanks again to everyone!!!

  4. Road today at Laguna. A front came through and dropped the temperature to 49 for a high with 47 mph wind gusts. The wind at the top of hill going into the cork screw was brutal. I tried to make my turn into the corkscrew more than once with the wind pushing me back up.....All in all we had a great day but it took a few laps to get the tires warm.




    Hope today was a little better for you guys! I froze and then was ticketed yet again. (I had to pee!!!)

    I expect a full report on the day with only 20-25mph winds....

  5. I have done L1&2 and have NO trackday experience. That being said, I've learned alot at the school... so much that I really have no clue where to start?? What is the NO.1 skill/drill should I start with? TC?...Read the track?...RP?...should I work on a multitude of drills at once or stick to a specific drill til I nail it?? At this point I'm not all that interested in speed, I'd rather concentrate on proper techniques...Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.





    Hi BC,


    How about just doing one thing at a time, as the major focus? If you are going to a new track, getting to know it and its turn/parts is where many start, that could be step 1.





    Got it...1.Get to know the track. Thanks C

    Also a friend suggested that I also work on the no breaks drill for a better part of the day. Is that something that I should also work on? I really appreciate your opinion, thanks again!




    Sorry, meant to reply sooner but have been on the road. Since I'm in the same situation, I guess I'll take a chance at a reasonable response. I generally try to address which ever technique I seem to be having the most trouble with on the ride. If I'm not loose, I concentrate on that, etc. What I need to focus on often changes throughout the ride. I think it also depends on where you're riding, traffic, etc. Of course, everyone learns differently and, I won't really know if this has worked for me until tomorrow...

  6. Arrived today after riding down PCH from San Jose. Stopped at a sea side restaurant "The Whole Enchilada" for fish tacos and then headed to Monterey. We dropped off the clothes and went directly to Laguna Seca to look at the track and facilities.

    We can't wait to get on the track Tuesday morning.


    You made it!

    I've been on the PCH all day. Isn't she just grand?

    I'll be landing as expected tomorrow for my run out to check the track.

    Have fun!



    And, it's another beautiful day on the coast.


    (Take that Rainmain!)

    Chain maintenance done and plenty of time for a dip in the pool and some stretching before hitting the PCH to Seca!!!


  7. Arrived today after riding down PCH from San Jose. Stopped at a sea side restaurant "The Whole Enchilada" for fish tacos and then headed to Monterey. We dropped off the clothes and went directly to Laguna Seca to look at the track and facilities.

    We can't wait to get on the track Tuesday morning.


    You made it!

    I've been on the PCH all day. Isn't she just grand?

    I'll be landing as expected tomorrow for my run out to check the track.

    Have fun!

  8. FOUR DAYS....Thats 4, IV, quatro,


    Just finishing off the LAST WORK DAY before school, YAY!!! :)


    Let's see, I'll be on the road most of the day Monday, so that leaves me the weekend to fill out my Level 4 questionnaire, track prep and load the bike, gather my gear, re-read Twist, and start my workout program to get in shape. Two or three days of exercise ought to be plenty of preparation, don't you think?


    Hey FossilFuel, will you have internet access to continue the countdown right up until Monday?

    Yes I will......Do you think that after all this, I would stop at four? I have to get up tomorrow at three to make it for a flight to Houston so I will be posting tomorrows countdown rather early......How do you like your steak?


    Where are you? Isn't it after 3am already?

  9. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".


    I've got a great idea...I am very goal oriented and had a thought with the help of "Rainman's" comment above. Why not make this the longest thread in the history of California Superbike School? We could become legends in needless, mindless, bantering chatter. Our crazy nicknames could be placed on........I don't know somewhere? Maybe we could get a free T-Shirt.

    Because you guys are conspiring to ban me I will write this fast today. I doubt that this thread will stop even after your countdown is complete. Kinda like the BC/AC thing in historical references...Its easy to imagine you writing "257 days since Laguna..." and pushing Hotfoot and Domina to keep the thread alive on days that you will be offline.




    After Seca, it's six months (exactly) to Sears. You're not going to Sears in September, are you Fossil????

  10. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".


    I've got a great idea...I am very goal oriented and had a thought with the help of "Rainman's" comment above. Why not make this the longest thread in the history of California Superbike School? We could become legends in needless, mindless, bantering chatter. Our crazy nicknames could be placed on........I don't know somewhere? Maybe we could get a free T-Shirt.


    So, you started the count-down to get a free T-shirt? Now, that's just sad.

  11. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".




    He is allowed to use his nickname. Because, it's funny. I'm good at that.

    Its your thread.



    Besides, http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/USCA...pnav_undeclared Rainman's kung-fu is no good.

  12. OK People this thread is now like 7 pages long. Haven't seen one like this in like forever so we'll need detailed after school reports from Fossil, Hotfoot, AB and Domina at a minimum.



    Please stop with the "R" word. You are this '' close to being band from the count-down (domina helped me with this)! And for those of you trying to influence the menu, stop. I remember a great movie quote "if you cook it they will come".




    He is allowed to use his nickname. Because, it's funny. I'm good at that.

  13. I haven't been to a trackday yet, so I don't feel I have much to offer compared to all the very experienced and knowledgeable people on this forum. However, I'm signed up for Level 1 and 2 at NJMP in August, so maybe after that I'll have enough knowledge to contribute effectively.


    Welcome to my world. Ok. I already did 1 and 2 but, now I'm spoiled and just don't think track day will be the same w/o CSS. (And, I need another bike...) After all, there really aren't that many people who can say "You're not the slowest one we've had out here" and have me be okay with it. Another thing learned at CSS: it's nice to be lied to once. ^_^

  14. Hey there,


    I'm sure I'm currently being labeled as a squid. I guess that's just part of working your way up the ranks. I always thought riding like a "squid" meant you were loose, and all over the track with no particular style. I could be wrong, I mean they never called me that...... (did they?)


    Anyway.Thanks for the great forum. For me it's the only forum I participate in. I 've recently "come aboard" and it's honestly some of the most meaningful rider/racer discussions I've ever come across ( besides ACTUALLY being in your leathers, in the pits on race day). I really mean what I'm saying . Thanks CSS. You guys are fantastic.


    And, you're alread an apprentice! Keep posting!

  15. HotFoot,

    Domina has, as usual, found a flaw in our correspondence. Somewhere in both or one of our comments is an error. Its not just grammar this time. Somehow some way we have broken a covenant. She knows it and has the page number and sources to prove it. I feel it in my bones. She is calling us out. What do we do?

    "Aren't you two both in Level IV? Do you remember what Cobie taught you, Hotfoot?"


    a.) Read Twist I

    b.) don't talk to strangers

    c.) cover the kill switch with your hand

    d.) all of the above


    I would do no such thing. Innocent, completely benevolent questions. Besides, only the coaches are allowed-you'd get flagged. Seems a bit unfair.

  16. I awoke this morning from a dead sleep for no particular reason. I noticed that my luminescent display read 4:00 a.m. instead of the usual 5:30 a.m. My first thought was " I wonder what the temperature differential is between Monterey and Laguna Seca? ". I mean seriously, If we are looking at weather forecast for Monterey then there has to be a gradient that takes geographical changes in to effect? " I'm using their bike. I wonder how many laps to get the Dunlops up to temperature?" Oh it's 4:03 now, I Have a picture in my mind of driving in to Laguna Seca for the first time and seeing all the crew and new faces. The trailer is open and the smell of fresh coffee permeates the air. I have got to get a cup before that girl with the big mug gets it all....Oh hey Domina! It is now 4:05. Keith greets us with the usual cup of coffee and Will preparing the bikes. I walk in the back of the trailer as Judy's IPOD is playing some great tune that I have loved but forgotten...Jackson Browne or Ella Fritzgerald, nothing like what I listen to now...Then She wakes me to reality, "please sign here, you will be in yellow group today! It is now 4:07...................................SEVEN DAYS


    Omigod you are TOTALLY KILLING me now. I've been making a reasonable effort not to get too wrapped up in anticipating the school, then I read this. NOW I'm not only dying to get to a school, you made me want to send in a coach application! CSS creates an environment unlike any other and you provoked such a vivid recollection of it that I felt the track-day butterflies in my stomach. Well, if I am worthless at work, or can't sleep tonight, I'm going to blame you. :)


    And here you go, just to get you back for that - imagine sitting on your school bike in the line-up in hot pit, hearing the rumbling of all the bikes, smelling the exhaust and seeing the plumes in the cool air, waiting for your coach to come find you (wonder who it will be? Is he/she fast? Friendly? Easy to follow?), wondering how that school bike will handle, waiting for Trevor to let you go... and then he does, with that friendly reminder, no-brakes and warm up your tires...


    And then you're off, cool air and a big, wide expanse of empty track. Just look at all that room to ride... no race tension, no wild start, just that exhilarating moment of the start of a fresh new day, with a fast bike underneath you and all the potential in the world... and a crew of wonderful people, the best in the world, all there to help you discover what you can do out there, how good you can really be.


    I can hardly wait.

    HotFoot Maybe this will help you sleep better! I'm having fun


    Aren't you two both in Level IV? Do you remember what Cobie taught you, Hotfoot?

  17. I awoke this morning from a dead sleep for no particular reason. I noticed that my luminescent display read 4:00 a.m. instead of the usual 5:30 a.m. My first thought was " I wonder what the temperature differential is between Monterey and Laguna Seca? ". I mean seriously, If we are looking at weather forecast for Monterey then there has to be a gradient that takes geographical changes in to effect? " I'm using their bike. I wonder how many laps to get the Dunlops up to temperature?" Oh it's 4:03 now, I Have a picture in my mind of driving in to Laguna Seca for the first time and seeing all the crew and new faces. The trailer is open and the smell of fresh coffee permeates the air. I have got to get a cup before that girl with the big mug gets it all....Oh hey Domina! It is now 4:05. Keith greets us with the usual cup of coffee and Will preparing the bikes. I walk in the back of the trailer as Judy's IPOD is playing some great tune that I have loved but forgotten...Jackson Browne or Ella Fritzgerald, nothing like what I listen to now...Then She wakes me to reality, "please sign here, you will be in yellow group today! It is now 4:07...................................SEVEN DAYS


    Note to self: Bring coffee carafe.

  18. Domina,

    You are here by (is that hyphenated) relieved of any and all duties pertaining to but not excluding the thread and all communique's wrtten on or about the last part of March and the early part of April. ( I watched court tv last night)


    This was your thread. You made all this possible. None of this would have happened, the crazy monologues, the countdown from thirty, Kevin trying to sabotage the event (R-word), HotFoot, Cobie, Rondre3000, JayBird (interrupted with Willow count-down), Alaska Benchracer. All because of you. And now the end is near we've come to face the final curtain (theres a song in there somewhere) and you want to let us down....I'm speechless.


    Those are a lot of words for a speechless man.


    And, I can by no means take credit and/or blame for this. (I just posted a video I thought was relevant-other people do it!) I believe it is what is known as "mass hysteria". And, I am quite thankful to have others share in the madness-sooo glad I'm not the only one. Although I doubt that any nagging technical concerns have been addressed, I've found it quite therapeutic and, hopefully, so have others.




    How?! What?! Letting who down? I accepted the mantle for one day. What more is expected of me?


    Oops. Forgot about that last little bit...


    Disclaimer: I and any other involved or non-involved, in any way related to, non-related, employed by, associated with, interested in, or in any way cognizant of or completely unaware of CSS (heretofore "California Superbike School) parties do not condone violence by gunfire or any other means to random audience members or any other persons, alive or dead, at any place, time, or circumstance.


    I think that covers it...

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