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Posts posted by jeffrey8mm

  1. OK got the bars in on saturday but I work all weekend so no time put them on till today. They look cool and feel great and are now almost the same grip position as the S model. I just took it for a ride and WOW! It's not even the same bike anymore. The people at Suburban Machinery were a pleasure to deal with and they sent them right out. She is all ready for CSS next week. Woo Hoo!!!







  2. Will we be getting any further info in an email. Such as time to arrive and other details?


    You should receive a packet of info with arrival time (7am), directions and other details and liability forms. If you signed up a while ago and haven't yet received anything, call the office to make sure they have your correct email address.


    Thanks, I did receive the forms and mailed those a while ago. Don't remember there being anything else though. I will look tonight when I get home.

  3. Safe travels to you and your buddy ... where in FL is he coming from?


    See you there on the 31st for level 1. My friend and I can't wait. Oh so not looking forward to that drive from NH though. I am stopping in VA to visit sisters and I will stop once from there so it wont be too bad. My buddy is has it easy; he is only driving from FL.


    Thanks and same to you; he is coming from near the St. Pete area.

  4. Jeff, I like your answer!


    For some years, all I had were bikes (back in the 80's). But living in SoCal, its pretty darn nice most of the time.r


    LOL, Back in the 80's a bike is all I had too for several years. That was in FL though were there is only one day of winter and if you oversleep you will miss it. :)

  5. Thanks for the input guys. The SV it will be and I just put new Pilot Pures on it right before winter.


    I am bringing both bikes with me as we are also headed to the Dragon for 5 days after the class. Could I still get the deal on the tires for my FZ even though I am using the SV for the class? If so what are the tires and how do they compare to the Pilot Pures? I was going to put some on the FZ right before the trip cause they are about done.

  6. Hi Jeff,


    Welcome to the forum! I just noticed your questions about taking other courses, and wanted to jump in... I would say that if you can't get to CSS, then yes definitely take rider training of some kind. That's certainly what I did before completing Level 1 at CSS. I had done about 4 track days with tuition (the same as a regular track day, but with an instructor on track and then classroom debriefs after each session, also a couple of "roadcraft" type courses, and also an "advanced rider" course on a private closed road course. That was all well and good, I picked up something from each of those. But then I did CSS. By far CSS is the most comprehensive and beneficial of all the training that I've done. And I think that says alot given the amount of previous training I've had - Level 1 gave me more benefit than nearly all the others combined. That's not to say that the others were bad, but CSS is just that great!


    You mentioned Total Control, that's Lee Parks, right? I don't know about his course, but I have his book and can recommend that just on the basis of the sections that touch on the mental side of riding (if you're interested in that kind of thing).


    I'm not sure that Total Control would teach things that are "wrong" (although I can't be sure), but it's interesting to note that Parks openly admits in his book that alot (if not all) of the riding technology and terminology that he and others use were developed by Keith Code.


    Hope that helps.







    Thanks, and yes it is the Lee Parks course. I think that I have made up my mind to take CSS only at this time. I am hoping to get to VIR in Aug for at least level 1. Just have to see if timing with work and finances are going to work out. In the mean time I have been reading the book and it is great info.

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