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Posts posted by SarahC

  1. Agreed! Reclined hip is basically the couch stretch lying down - I find it a bit harder to stay out of my low back in reclined hip, and I like how the couch stretch lets you keep your upper body in flexion or neutral. But for other people the pressure of being on your knee is too much in the couch stretch and you'd be better off in the reclined version.

  2. Hi Cobie,

    Yes, 30-60 seconds for each one. If you can do them every day, that's ideal. Try connecting it to something you're already doing, like brushing your teeth at night. You can definitely do them more than once a day if you are motivated to - if you spend some part of every day on the phone, put on your headphones, and do your wrist stretches!

    Please keep me posted on how it goes!






  3. Hi Smitty,

    Thanks for your answers! Yeah, I think hip mobility is a lot of what people run into with body position for cornering. And it makes sense that the traps, lats, and triceps are sore after track days. Strength is a big one to work on, specifically something called strength endurance - your ability to tolerate the specific weight and work of the motorcycle while riding it for several minutes at a time (as opposed to, say, lifting something really heavy 4-5 times). 

    To chat further, you can reach me through my website at www.sarahcourtdpt.com.

  4. Hi Forum,

    I'm a novice rider and a physical therapist, so I'm really interested in body position on the bike. I'd love to hear from anyone and everyone:

    What body part(s) hurt, feel stiff, get achy, or just feel like they don't move well enough when you're on the track? Is it tight hips, stiff ankles, upper back achiness, all of the above?

    Is it something that didn't use to be an issue, but as you've gotten older has crept up?

    Let me know what body parts are distracting you or limiting you on the bike!



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