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"heisann" From Norway

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I'm quite new to the superbike/road racing thing, but I've been riding bikes for about 7 years now. My current bike is a CBR 1100XX, which I love for many reasons. It's definately not a true racetrack bike, but it goes like stink and it handles well for a bike that offers that much comfort on longer trips. As of today, I'm probably using about 90% of the bike's acceleration and braking power, and perhaps only 70% of it's cornering abilities. So I (the rider) am definately "the weakest link" when it comes to bike performance :)


However, I've become more and more interested in honing my riding skilles, which is why I've purchased several books on the subject. Right now, I'm reading Twist of the Wrist II. That book should have been in the curriculum for anyone who's getting their motorbike licence!


Anyway, I plan on attending to the CSS course next summer, and I'm already looking forward to it a lot! Cheers from Norway!

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