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Keiths Books

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I am Based in Ghana( Africa) and wish to have the books of keith my role model. Have been Riding for the past 15 years but upon reading from your site, I realized I am indeed a novice in the riding field. I need to read some of keiths Materials to enrich myself before making the necessary attempt to seek international training. meanwhile I am looking forward to becoming a Riders Coach in my country. How do i get keith's Books?

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I am Based in Ghana( Africa) and wish to have the books of keith my role model. Have been Riding for the past 15 years but upon reading from your site, I realized I am indeed a novice in the riding field. I need to read some of keiths Materials to enrich myself before making the necessary attempt to seek international training. meanwhile I am looking forward to becoming a Riders Coach in my country. How do i get keith's Books?


Click on the "California Superbike School" tab at the top of the screen (just below the logo) and then click on: "Store" in the left hand column. Once there you can order the books (and the DVD) directly.



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If you have access to Amazon you can get them CHEAP. The new video is really helpful. There are a lot of books that would be worth reading, but TOTW books sum everything up better than any other book I've read on the subject. I'd say that if you've been riding for 15 years, you've got more than enough experience in the saddle. The school will be super helpful.

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I'd definitely recommend the Twist2 DVD, and the audio CDs. I copied them into my cell and listen to them to-and-from work (about 2 hours daily) 2-3 times a week. Have yet to dive into the interactive CD.



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