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Barber Days

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I had a great time at level 1 and 2 camp at the Barber Motorsports Park. I am still mentally reliving the all of the corners and I wish could do it again next weekend. I learned plenty, but now I have more questions than answers and a burning desire to go to a track day where I live. My only regret is that I should have taken the class years ago when I was more fit. I cannot wait to go try level 3 or maybe redo level 2 and then do the 3.


The class was very well organized and presented in a logical easy to follow way. Every lesson Keith and Stuman taught built up from the previous lesson in a logical progression of techniques where, if followed correctly, one can only improve. My track coaches offered tips and advise which I feel really helped me understand and achieve vehicle stability during cornering. The combination of the technology presented plus a well-prepared motorcycle with sticky tires inspired my confidence so all that I left to do was to overcome my preconceived fear based beliefs, which limited my riding potential.


When will the 2006 calendar be out?


I recommend the school for anyone, especially those who are still deciding whether or not to go. Just go, you will not regret it.



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There have been a number of posts like Mark's here that are full of energy and enthusiasm after attending the School for the first time and it struck a very similar chord with me.


Mark writes

"I recommend the school for anyone, especially those who are still deciding whether or not to go. Just go, you will not regret it."
He's right on point! As someone who waited for a couple of years before signing up myself, I was sorry to have wasted those two years trying to figure out HOW to ride my sportsbike with any kind of consistency and/or pace.


This School will make you a better rider.



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