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Europe School ?

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Hi, have you seen this website? http://www.superbikeschool.co.uk/ it is however a bit expensive for the spain lessons. I live in Denmark so it is quite a long way to travel! ;-)


Also see http://www.superbikeschool.co.uk/schedule.php



hi all,


i'm an enthousiastic track rider from belgium...bit far away to come over for some lessons huh...


i've heard that the superbike school is also activa in europe ?


if so, where should i be for some lessons ? which tracks ?




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Hi, have you seen this website? http://www.superbikeschool.co.uk/ it is however a bit expensive for the spain lessons. I live in Denmark so it is quite a long way to travel! ;-)


Also see http://www.superbikeschool.co.uk/schedule.php





holy moses !!!!


TWO days in spain cost more then an average rider earns in a month !! 1900 euro !!!

plus you need to get there, transport your bike, fuel, tyres...

sorry to say, but this sucks


tracks are not impressive either... where's Francorchamps ??? the best track in europe...

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