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Posts posted by khp

  1. My first bike was a thumber - a 600cc single cylinder bike. I still have a nostalgic longing for the power character - driving around 1200-2000 rpm all the time. Combined with a soft and shot suspension, it taught me the value of throttle control.


    I've tried V-twins a couple of times (SV650 and Duc ST2) and they have always left me decidedly underwhelmed, compared to my own IL4's. Basically a feeling of "no power anywhere" - sorry for stepping on the toes of the twin-lovers. I know you prefer it over IL4,and I have no problem with that - it's a matter of preference.


    I like the predictable and strong power delivery of the IL4. Call me simple :)

  2. (I do have a GPS timer that could probably tell me.... if I could get around to setting up the software and comm link to a laptop.)

    Hottie, just saw your post. I believe you have the same brand GPS timer as me - Starlane. Installing the software is fairly easy, but if you have one of those with bluetooth download it can be a bit of a hassle to get to work. If you had stopped by the schools at Willows (big/street) in beginning of October I could have helped you get it rolling.

  3. One piece of advice for getting off the line is this: remember to put the bike into gear. We did have a front-line rider go absolutely nowhere at the start on the first race at CodeRACE in October, because the rider had forgotten to put it into 1st gear (he made it up in the second race).


    Not moving when the start goes can be quite dangerous, but we all managed to avoid the unmoving bike/rider.

  4. I like to use very thin 100% wool long-johns and long-armed shirt, from the Norwegian company Devold. It's their "Arctic" model, designed to go down to ridiculous temperatures (when used in combination with other clothes).

    I use the Devold's year round - sun or rain, Denmark or SoCal (I even brought them to Willows in October).

  5. The engine output is a function of rpm *and* throttle position. In a certain rpm band you are going to have max torque at wide open throttle (WOT), but the *range* of torque available at that rpm, depending on throttle position, is anything between zero and that WOT max torque.

    This seems quite confused to me. Last time I checked, the torque was ONLY decided by the RPMs., not your throttle position.

    How would the maximum (ie peak) torque change with RPM - there is only one point with the peak torque.

  6. I can only +1 on heated clothing - I have gloves and a jacket from Gerbing in the US, which I bought when I used to live in Norway.


    A trick to keep your hands warm in the rain is to put on thin plastic or latex gloves on inside your normal (race) gloves. Works really well when you are caught out on a trip way from home.

  7. I just got to watching the video - awful crash.


    I played it back and if you look closely around 0:15, it seems that the rear is sliding out (to the outside of the turn) and the rider is barely leaned over. A stuck throttle could be handled by pulling the clutch, and if the rear was blocked (from, say, a seized engine) we would have noticed the smoke-trail. So my best guess would be a (front) brake failure.

  8. Sadly, there are no CSS-courses here in Germany (or I did not found out where!?!), but finding this great forum was a big gain. I already read a lot in here and finally signed in to contribute.


    Welcome to the forum, Dali.


    I talked to JET (deputy chief riding coach in the UK) last year about schools in Germany, and he said that they had tried a number of years ago, but they were unable get enough students to make it worthwhile.


    You need to go to either Denmark, Sweden, or UK. It's all the UK fellas doing the coaching, so it should not make a big difference where you take the classes.


    Cheers, Kai

  9. Jaybird,


    I describe this as a 'trance-like' state of mind. I've experienced this a number of times when running through a wood - you don't focus on anything particular and suddenly you feel like it's not you moving through the wood, but the wood is moving past you! In order to experience this while exercising (e.g. running) you need to be fit enough that the exercise in itself isn't occupying your awareness very much.


    As for the wideview drill, the TOTW2 drill is just like I learned it when playing basketball as a teenager. When running, I had a similar experience of wide-view than when playing basket, but there most felt distinctly "unfocused". It sounds to me that you have experienced a different form of wide-view than what I do.

  10. About palm wrinkle; that's usually not an issue for me, but I have a pair of quite costly Halvarsson racing cloves plus my son has a pair of Rossi genuine replica gloves that cost twice of my pair - and there are the only ones that wrinkle uncomfortably inside the hand. Enough to cause discomfort on longer rides, and I'm sure blisters if one were to do a race in them. I have a pair of cheap Aikito racing cloves that are super-comfy despite being even thinner than the two pair mentioned above, and many thicker gloves that don't have any wrinkling issues.


    So, what cause this? Obviously, too much leather in the wrong place and probably not pre-curved enough. But I do find it strange the only the really costly racing gloves in our posession have this problem.



    I get small blisters by the 3rd and 4th finger from the Alpinestars race gloves (both my own and the ones I borrowed at the school), but I never got it from my older Held Galaxy gloves.

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