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Everything posted by Jasonzilla

  1. OK, I'm not new here. Here's the deal. I haven't carried the last name Hubbard in almost two years. There is no way for me to change my display name, so I'm just changing it by making a new profile. Why did I change my last name? It's simple: I don't care. I was sort of friends for a year with a girl named Amber Cenzano. Tall, beautiful woman who has an Italian heritage. Big family, very proud of her heritage, Italian nose, and also her last name. Cenzano. After a year, we became very good friends. After that we dated and lived together for 7 years. Then we got married (my third wife, by the way) in Vegas almost three years ago. She put off changing her last name because she loved it, and was starting to lean towards keeping her name, but wanted to have the same last name as her husband. Here's MY deal. I don't have any family, save for a little brother that I keep in contact with, that I care to know. I could care less if I'm Hubbard or Cenzano or Gonzalez. One day I went to the social security office, and changed my name to Cenzano. That was in '07, but when I joined this forum initially, I used Hubbard_28. My last name isn't Hubbard anymore. It's been killing me to get it changed, so this is how I've taken care of it. To recap: Hubbard_28 is now Jasonzilla.
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