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Posts posted by Stroker

  1. Actually, i could get one of the older two stroke bikes and mod them as MX bikes.It has been done before with some success.I think my throttle and clutch control will improve more with a 2s than 4s?


    Besides, the 2s will be lighter and way cheaper to buy used/junked.


    There is a dual sport available...but too little power.Only 14 miserable horse.Pah!


    I hate scooters with all my hear and soul.Nearly died on one.....

  2. Speaking of Pedrosa, i have made an observation.At some race both Rossi and Pedrosa were on the podium.When they came into the winners area, there was noticeably less wear on Pedrosa's rear tyre even though the Repsol Hondas are harsher on the tyres.Rossi must be 12-15 kilos more than Pedrosa i think....surprising the difference that makes!


    There are some claims that a taller man can turn the bike better because he has more leverage....i wonder how much of an advantage this is over being small and light?

  3. How much of an impact does bodyweight have in racing? Is a heavier guy at a disadvantage compared to a guy 10 or even 15 kilos lighter than him?


    I was looking at the heights and weights of the MotoGp riders....my are they smaller than i thought!!


    What advantage and disadvantages are there to being tall/short and heavy/light? The average height and weight is 5 5 to 5 6 and 55-60 kilos for most riders.

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