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Posts posted by Stroker

  1. Except for Stoner, we seem to be in the reign of the Spaniards, and do they all hang a leg out, or just sometimes? How often does Jorge do it?


    When they do it on the right foot, kinda makes a dent in the guys that say one has to use the rear brake too (just thought I'd stir that pot :)).



    Interesting questions, which i asked myself when i was watching.My observations - They hang the left leg more than the right.The Spaniards do it, but Jorge seems to avoid it if he can.Some times though they let the foot drag like they are skating or something.Perhaps to steady the bike if they went in too hot?


    Some people seem to avoid it, like Dovi.I have seen the leg drag more when there are 2-3 guys taking the turn one behind the other, and not so much when they are more or less solo and chasing a pack ( later laps ).


    Long sweeping turns and turns at the end of a straight seem to bring the leg out.Which leads me to wonder if fast corners = leg dragging.



  2. It has become easier to go fast.Better tires, suspension, TC and what not.Remember Doohan and other guys moved about a lot on 500's but still managed to win.


    I saw the Le Mans race.He was running third but crashed.He seems to put in fast laps and all but never does manage to get ahead of Jorge.

  3. It is not a necessity.16 inch arms may look massive on a 5 4 guy.The same will look good or even average on a 6 2 guy.


    Similarly, tall people ( who tend to have taller necks and longer heads ) should have a little more development to support the bigger head and also to avoid looking scrawny in the neck region.


    As a 6 6 guy you may have spine problems later in life.People 6 2 and above usually do.So take care.

  4. I see.Conversely, the guys who we do see in Moto Gp must not be doing anything for the sake of it - Like hanging the foot out during the initial turning effort.


    The antics we see must have some scientific basis then? :unsure:


    I wonder if the school approves of the current crop of GP riders..?

  5. This " Mystery " about GP rider's techniques is quite intriguing.Perhaps Keith will offer some perspective.


    Another thing - Gp riders climb the ranks doing local races and then Moto 3 etc.SO can we say their technique was honed in the lower ranks ie They learnt to do that there and by the time they were doing GP are just very good at it?

  6. I did observe their body position and was intrigued.


    Why do they hang their leg out? Extra drag? It is almost as if they touch the ground with their inside leg and then get it on the peg :unsure: Is it to gauge lean angle?


    It may be of some use in the wet, some kind of support if case you tip the bike over too fast.


    I noticed they sit up and brake, and the leg comes out and cheek moves off the seat in one motion.They kind of make contact with their toes, and then get the inside leg on the pegs with the elbow of the outer side touching the knee cap of the outside leg... :o

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