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General Inquiry - Cali Schools

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I did lurk some before i figured i'd post. I've decided (on my sweet student budget) that when I do get to come to Cali and attend CSS I plan on doing 2-3 single days in a row at Laguna Seca. I'm pretty sure I know the difference between the 2day program and just attending day classes and as much as id like to take the 2day program I just can't afford it now.


Now the question I couldn't find from searching and I do figure you get it allot so i hate to ask, but does Mr. Code actually attend most the schools run. And if not is there any way to plan booking based on him potentially being there.


This is not an insult to the experienced coaches that I look forward to learning lots from. I really just ask because i figured if I'm planning a trip down to the states and taking CSS regardless I midas well try and get the handshake in for bragging rights =)


Other than that the school looks great. I wish i could take the 2day program but i think taking 2-3 single days is going to be just as great.



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No worries, we won't be insulted, for sure you should meet Keith. He is, with very rare exception, at all the schools. You can for sure ask when you sign up, and let it be known if it is a make/brake issue, but like I said, he's there for just about all of them.


Laguna Seca: that is about the most popular track, and we only get a few dates there. So, watch the web page, starting in a about 10 days daily. When the schedule comes out, sign up THAT DAY. It typically sells out very fast.


Come say hello when you get there, I'll know who to bump on the track :)




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Come say hello when you get there, I'll know who to bump on the track
I hope we go over recoveries before that then we can count it as extra credit =)


Extra credit, perfect, hadn't thought of that!!



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