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Row Miller At Motogp

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SO straight back from Pembrey two days fettling then back on the road to Donington for a round of the Tsport championship as support to MOTOGP.


Row has never been around the GP circuit and never ridden a GP125 around here plus the track was soaked for qualifying he qualified in an excellent 8th place on Thursday afternoon. However it was not without drama as Row went for a qualifying lap at the end and high sided himslef at Redgate! "I just overtook Sam (Burman) and tried to tap on the power, the bike snapped around then caught and chucked me off!! (Sam Burman went on to take pole) at least I know me arms's strong anough to take a knock!" The bike is fine with just the normal stuff knocked off of it. Row has a bruised bum! I refuse to take a look at it!


We then had a day off on Friday. thanks to Rog and Rob of FAB-Racing for taking us over to the Blu Sens pit for the guided tour and intro to the crew the evening meal in the Red Bull hospitality was good too! Danny and Scott were in good spirits.


Saturday was the best day weather wise so the bike was set up for the dry and with brand new unscrubbed slicks


17:50 and Row took his place on the second row of the grid aboard the http://www.turn1sliders.co.uk/ rs125 Honda, please support us by using their sliders (plug plug)


No pit for us so we were stationed on the Dunlop straight just before foggy's, who knows what sort of start Row got but 1st lap see's him pile past in 10th place. 2nd lap and Row goes past in about 11th, then Row seems to get the supercharger on and starts to make ground, 9th then 8th then 7th, he's gradually catching the next rider the laps tick by and I lose count of where he is. Last lap and Row is now battling, I see him go past on the back wheel of another racer, they dissapear around foggy's my eyes turn to goddards to see Row just slide up the inside to gain another position.


The race is over and Row toddles back to the collecting area, he's quite happy with the ride "I took it quite easy the first few laps, getting my braking markers and lines sorted out then I could see I was faster than a few in front once I got them I could see another one a little way in front, he gradually came back to me so I thought I would have a go, it was a little sketchy into goddards but I managed to make it stick. I only really pushed in the last lap because I wanted to make sure of a finish" we get the results to find that Row actually finished in 5th place, we are well pleased! attrition gave Row a couple of places but hey you've got to finish.


So after all that excitement it was back to chill out mode for the rest of the weekend.



Gary and Row

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