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2-day Expectations & Questions

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Keith/Coby/other CSS staff.


I will be attending the 6/2-3 2 day school at Blackhawk Farms. I'm pretty excited and really looking forward to overcoming a few barriers that are keeping me in the 15's when I should be in the 13's or below.


Anyhow, a few questions as I prepare. (figured I'd post here versus email so others with similar questions may benefit).


Your bike vs mine.

The 2 day school is run on your bikes. I will have my racebike (03 cbr600rr) at the track anyhow and would like to do portions of the school on it since this is what I'll be racing anyhow.

Will this be a problem?

Should I do the whole school on my bike?


Areas for improvement.

Do you want a list of things I need help with now, later or not at all? Many of them will be addressed, I'm sure (throttle control, braking, positioning, etc). But what about passing? For whatever reason, this year I have this mental issue with passing. I get hung up behind people marginally slower than me because I can't find a place to pass.


I'm looking forward to the school & getting through a couple of small issues holding me back.


Thanks again for your time.



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(student talking here)


Generally they want you to stick with one bike, so you can focus on the riding and not the bike. There have been several people that I know of that have gone half days on one or the other, or simply ridden their own bike. The big thing is that there are limited students, hence everyone can get a school bike as part of the package. It is the track and instructor ratio that is so much better in a 2-day camp.


The instructor and classroom will tell you what to work on. Trust them in that they know what they are doing. There is a method to it all. Stick with the program and you will see the results. The thing to remember is to have an open mind and don't bring any speculation with you. The instructors will pick up on things that you may or may not have been aware of.


Passing at the school will be a challenge, the 8 foot rule is the reason for it. But the instructor can work with you when you have a clear track. Though with the CodeRACE school they get, reallllllly close.


Good luck!

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