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Hi All,


i have booked myself on a level 1 course at silverstone in july, after reading so many reviews i cant wait. currently working in afghanistan at present and hope the hot weather follows me. I own a blade but need to learn how to use it!!!........Roll on july



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Welcome Mikey. You will be amazed at the improvement you will see in your riding after taking the school. I would recommend reading "Twist of the Wrist II" as a primer before you go (if you haven't already). And if you get a chance to watch the DVD you won't regret that either.


Tell us about you and your riding goals - are you looking to improve your street riding, drop your lap times, or get into racing? What do you ride and what's your experience level? No matter what the answers you can be assured that if you ride a motorcycle then there is something for you at CSS.


And like Jason said don't be afraid to post up, there's a lot of knowledgeable folks here.




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