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Corner Workers For The Ridge

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Hi All,


We are looking for some good guys to come out and cornerwork for us at The Ridge on July 16th and 17th.


Here's the rundown of what you get for coming out.




We are looking to cover 5-6 turns. Which means we need 8-9 cornerworkers, 5-6 in stations and 2 riding, 1 helping

the mechanic.


You would wind up watching your turn for 2-3 sessions and then ride 1 session, then watch again.


If you are interested please contact me.


Trevor Pennigton

Course Control







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We are looking for some good guys to come out and cornerwork for us at The Ridge on July 16th and 17th.

Trevor Pennigton

Course Control



For any of you in the Pacific Northwest, especially students or perspective students, you should jump on Trevor's invitation. It is a great opportunity to keep in touch with the School as a student or if a perspective student - to see how the School operates before you decide to attend. My bet is that once you see it in operation (and actually participate in the process of insuring the safe and thorough execution of course control) any hesitation you may have had to sign up will evaporate.


I've Corner Worked for Trevor in the east for the past six or seven years now and I have also been a member of three different track riding clubs so I have a basis to make this statement: No one runs Course Control as tightly or as safely as Trevor does; nobody's even close. If you have been a Forum member for a while now you would have seen posts about how the School seamlessly manages the disparity in riders' skill levels and experience that occur naturally at everytrack event; well this is how you will see/participate in how it actually happens at every School.


Give this opportunity some serious consideration my friends -



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