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Hey all,


I've got a question on Clip-on angle. My father is considering changing his clip-ons from some less-than-adequate aftermarket clip-on's to something more reputable and he's stuck deciding between a 7º clip-on and a 10º clip-on. I figure that since he says he doesn't experience arm-pump (which seems to be the largest detractor with larger angle clip-ons) the 10º would make it easier to modify his grip on the throttle to the "screw-driver" position during cornering as well as make the "hook-turn" maneuver easier and thus be preferable.


Please shed any light you have on this as I don't know how to answer him with much confidence. He rides some street but likes to spend most of his time at trackdays, but does not race (at this point). He rides a 2005 CBR600RR. At this point I don't know what the angle of his current clip-ons is. I think 7º is stock but he doesn't have the stock clip-ons so who knows what was installed.





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43 views, no replies. Someone out there has to know something about this...

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IANAC, but in my opinion, your father should choose the clip-on angle that is the most comfortable to him ... and the scr@w the exact angle.

Make sure the wrists are as straight as possible.

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IANAC, but in my opinion, your father should choose the clip-on angle that is the most comfortable to him ... and the scr@w the exact angle.

Make sure the wrists are as straight as possible.


Im with KHP, this question has far too many variales for anyone to answer correctly/ with precision in solving the problem.


until someone better than us comes along (i hope so) we can only give general ideas and directions based on experience ...

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