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Lowside Analysis - How Did I Do It?

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Hi all,


I was hoping for some input on a lowside yesterday on the track. I can't figure how I managed to lose it.


The track is usually used as an f2000 training center and is quite rough and narrow not to mention a little dirty.


I was exiting a slightly off camber, 90 degree right hander, just past the apex and by then I was off the brakes and lightly on the gas. I was leaned far but not too much so (or so it felt). I was about 2 feet off the usual line but had plenty of track to recover.

At this point I tucked the front, there was no warning or feedback from the tire and i basically went down holding on and still seated, the impact was fairly light and smooth.


I had a fairly loose grip on the bars and good warm tires.


I'm fine and the bike will recover but seeing as this was my first crash I'd like to learn from it and prevent the next.


If anyone feels like sharing their similar experience that would be great.




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I lowsided for the first time last season exiting a fast left hander on the gas. To this day, I do not "know" what happened. One moment I am looking up the track on the the gas when I hear a very unfamiliar sound. Then I see the bike's gas tank sliding away from me in slow motion and it begins to sink in - I was down! The slow motion experienced immediately became "wow - I can't believe I am sliding this fast and how quickly I am going to get into that grassy area" (earth-sky-earth-sky-earth-sky-earth-sky... then lots of dust - everywhere).


Oh yeah, that strange sound was the plastic fairings grinding away as the bike slid across the track, down an access road and then into the grass with me right behind it.


It was my eight or ninth track day on a set of Michelin Pilot Race tires so it could have been that they were cooked, it could have been a rider mistake like adding lean angle while on the gas or holding on too tight but I dunno...


I post this because I can only offer you some empathy...not an answer.


Good luck in your search.



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  • 4 weeks later...

well you say you were off the brakes and on the gas and then the front end slid out.....when you're on the brakes your front tire has much weight on it which can force it into the raod and give it better traction (sometimes...or sometimes make it slip heh) when you're on the gas the opposite happens, the weight goes to the back and the front gets light, so it's sould have been that when you let off the brake and applied throttle the front got too light and lost grip? those controll changes mid-corner have to be sooooo smooth! something to think about even if it wasn't the actual cause?

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