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Success With Ycrs From Css

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Its been a long and challenging road for me back to New Jersey Motorsports Park since my unfortunate incident in 2014, yet i succeeded and CSS deserves a lot of credit for sticking by me, even though I also had another bad per incident with Penguin Road Racing School. Ken Hill, Nic Ienatsh, Chris Peris, Kyle Wyman, Mark Schellenger and the rest of the Yamaha Champions Riding School class that I graduated from on May e helped me tremendously over come and identify my bad habits, and to help me start to create champions habits.


California Superbike School is my birthplace as a racer, which I have yet to make come to full fruition, but without all of you, this would not be possible.


Special thanks to chase, Hotfoot, Trevor, rainman, Tyler, Eirik, The Prairie Dogs, CSS in the UK, Dylan, and who else, but Keith Code,


Ride well and ride safe!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Nic. Missed this one. Glad to hear you turned things around! Let us know when you hit the grid for the first time! :)


To answer Will's question. Nic had an accident during the school due to a rather aggressive approach that he's now started to reconsider. To protect other riders course control asked Nic not to ride anymore which was completely reasonable considering the circumstances. It's their job to protect the learning environment at the track for all the riders.


Nic and I have chatted on and off since his incident which has been very helpful for both of us. We both have a diametrically opposed approach to riding. I was on the overly conservative end (which I have reconsidered due to conversations with Nic) and he's at the other end of the spectrum. Both of us have learned a lot from "the opposite point of view". I have ventured out of my safe and completely predictable style and Nic has learned some of the "slow is fast" mindset which ultimately will help him in the long run.


A respectful dissonance can be quite helpful to anyone. Questioning ideas but also listening to them allows you to question your own thoughts on the matter and you can learn something in the process. You just have to listen and think about things.


On the flip side of that. Conversations with someone with the same problems can be quite helpful as well. I have had some conversations with a track day coach that's had some of the same issues that I have suffered from over the years. Hearing the solutions to the problems gives me some ideas on how to approach solving them myself. Perhaps I'll ultimately solve them in different way but it's super helpful to have a bit more understanding.

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