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Ride To The Track

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I am thinking about attending level one at VIR on 05/19th.Its about 3 hours ride from my place.I was thinking about riding there and then riding back is that recommended ? anyone done that before

This would be my 1st track day and i dont plan on going way fast just want to learn how to go around the corners.Can we setup and leave the bike at VIR the night before .


I have around 4000 miles experience under my belt and wanted to start by getting the right training so that i dont build bad habits or should i wait and get some more experience before doing school i surely want to do level one either in May or when school returns to VIR in September i just thought if i take the school now i would have whole summer to practice that


Also i was planning to bring a voice recorder to records classroom lectures is that allowed ?



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I am thinking about attending level one at VIR on 05/19th.Its about 3 hours ride from my place.I was thinking about riding there and then riding back is that recommended ? anyone done that before

This would be my 1st track day and i dont plan on going way fast just want to learn how to go around the corners.Can we setup and leave the bike at VIR the night before .


I have around 4000 miles experience under my belt and wanted to start by getting the right training so that i dont build bad habits or should i wait and get some more experience before doing school i surely want to do level one either in May or when school returns to VIR in September i just thought if i take the school now i would have whole summer to practice that


Also i was planning to bring a voice recorder to records classroom lectures is that allowed ?




When I did level I it was my first time on track and it definately gave me a foundation to work from. I definately benefited from having an structured training rather than trying to figure things out for myself. You will definately get alot out of level I. I did level II as well before doing anything else on track and found that extrememly helpful. I was then confident to head to the track with my new skills and ride plan in hand. The Twist books are extremely helpful too.

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I am thinking about attending level one at VIR on 05/19th.Its about 3 hours ride from my place.I was thinking about riding there and then riding back is that recommended ? anyone done that before

This would be my 1st track day and i dont plan on going way fast just want to learn how to go around the corners.Can we setup and leave the bike at VIR the night before .


I have around 4000 miles experience under my belt and wanted to start by getting the right training so that i dont build bad habits or should i wait and get some more experience before doing school i surely want to do level one either in May or when school returns to VIR in September i just thought if i take the school now i would have whole summer to practice that


Also i was planning to bring a voice recorder to records classroom lectures is that allowed ?




Hi Bobby,


I always rode my street bike to the school but used/rented the school's bike/leathers when I got there. However, I don't see any problem with riding your own bike to and for the school, I am sure many students do. Just be sure your tires are fresh and the bike is in good mechanical order. Personally, I would recommend fresh fork oil and brake fluid. Now that I am older (and wiser?), I change my fork oil and flush my brakes at least once a year; but, there was a time when I never bothered. You might want to reset your sag for full riding gear if you don't normally ride with full leathers and boots, etc (my gear adds about 20-25 lbs) and you might be using more of the suspension travel on track so you might want to dial another quarter inch out of your sag anyway, but, it probably isn't really critical if you are in the ballpark already. I'm just a perfectionist.



That said, I strongly recommend reading at least the first Twist of the Wrist book and being very familiar and practiced with the basic concepts and techniques contained in it before taking the school. I feel it should be required reading for any motorcycle rider, much less any rider taking the school. IMO you will get more out of the school track experience if you already have a handle on basic concepts like counter-steering and some degree of proficiency with techniques like braking while throttle blipping for your downshifts. Of course, If you don't have a handle on these skills, the school will certainly help you learn them!


Have fun!



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