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Posts posted by F4imane

  1. From the time I was young I always marveled at sportbikes and it was only a matter of time till I got my own. I love speed. But just not speed in general I really love the feeling of accelerating fast. The inhertia and feeling of doing 0-60 fast, is like a drug to me lol. I love the sound an engine makes going through the gears while doing it. I also love the feeling of pushing it, downshifting/upshifting. Right now a Lambo is out of range lol but thats fine because I got something that accelerates faster, 03 Honda F4i. Its my first bike and I am hooked. I love to compete like amateur kickboxing. I know as far as racing I have alot to learn but am up for the challange. I am a person that desires knowledge to compliment my athletic abilities. Thats why I read Keith Code's A Twist OF The Wrist I & II. I also just got the DVD. And it is the reason I am joining this forum and considering doing your school on the east coast in May. I admire all you guys that been in the sport for years and years having a true passion for 2 wheels and look forward to picking your brains! : )

  2. stuman ya that is what I am talking about, the profile of the tire being more triangular or rounded. It makes perfect sense that a more triangular tire will be able to flick easier and faster with less input. But you said that it will "provide a larger contact patch when leaned over. The down side is the bike will be less stable." If it has a larger contact patch you logic would say it would be MORE stable??

  3. Ok some of the guys I talk to have made remarks that they prefer tires that are more neutral in handling, their example was pirelli. Some of the guys said they like tires that make it easier to turn & lean into curves example 2ct''s. I have only rode 1 set of tires so far, M-1''s Sportec''s. I am researching tires gettin ready to buy for next riding season. I plan on doing as many track days at a few tracks in my area and doing your school in may. But most of my riding will be done on the street.My question is why do some of you like a neutral tire? Examples would be because? Wouldnt everyone want a tire that makes it easier to turn sharper or extra performance?!? What are the Pro''s and Con''s of both neutral vs extra handling tires? Or are these guys crazy and there really isnt much of a difference in that area? What have yal noticed?

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