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Everything posted by orashisolomon

  1. Finding that balance between realism and fun is key. And you're right, everyone's preferences vary, so it's worth giving different titles a shot to see what clicks for you. By the way, have you ever thought about exploring opportunities on how to make 10000 a month outside of gaming? It's cool to pursue hobbies, but it's also great to have some extra income streams!
  2. Thanks for sharing this awesome information with us. I love the idea of having A Twist of the Wrist II movie available on my phone, especially when I'm on the track or just on the go. That's so convenient! And it's great to know that it's available for both iPhone/iPad and Android devices. I'm going to check out the app and see if I can download it. It sounds like it's super easy to use and a lot cheaper than buying the DVD. Also, thanks for the update that it's available on Amazon Video now too! That's another great option for people who want to watch it instantly. Also, check out https://zumroad.com/tech for more tech news and tips. It's a great resource for guys interested in tech.
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