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Jaybird180 last won the day on May 18

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About Jaybird180

  • Birthday May 8

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  • Have you attended a California Superbike School school?

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    Maryland, USA
  • Interests
    Motorcycle riding, Aviation, Taekwondo...and some other stuff.

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  1. I found this to be an amazing concept! I recall breaking a new barrier...something new happens and my brain goes "What was that?!?"... "Oh, I get it, I have to do X for Y to happen for me to experience that again..." and by then I've accepted that I've gone faster than I previously had in that section. I recount the first time I felt the front end come up over wheelie hill at NJMP...scary and exhilarating at the same time! For me it became an indicator of a good exit drive from the previous corner, being setup correctly for the next, and being light on the bars.
  2. @Hotfoot does 3-step become automatic where the rider no longer spends much attention on it? Is there a way to describe and perhaps quantify when this happens for most students in their progression?
  3. Have you been to the school? Highly recommend that you ride the “No BS bike” and then do the off-track steering drills, might be an eye opener! Certainly was for me.
  4. When I hang off, I notice that I can see my trajectory better, I keep my eyes up and through the exit and all that’s left for me to do is roll on the gas.
  5. Ame across this video during my entertainment time and thought it relevant to the question posed, and it got me curious…it’s about sim car racing but I learned something relevant for my next times at track
  6. Cargo cult 🤣- a new term for me. Going to think on this a minute while someone with more experience and understanding chimes in.
  7. Moving at the same time as braking you tend to lose your lower body support, making you use your arms for support - introducing unwanted steering inputs and tiring you out.
  8. We went to the go kart track a couple weeks ago. My 11yo (for whom I bought the racing sim) raced against the adults and came out 2 for 2! I watched him run offensive and defensive lines. The kid’s got skills. Understanding of lines I think came from the game, which was why I bought it. I feel like I made my money back!
  9. Let’s also remember that Mr VR ran a disinformation campaign for several years. Many considered: if VR said/did it, it must be good.
  10. Works great in a sweeper. I had to experiment with this when I was racing MiniMoto. Just about the whole circuit feels like a set of switchbacks, and I didn’t have enough bike contact to make it work, so I had to build up my calves to make a whole race. I think I slept about 2 days after a 200 lap team endurance race.
  11. Its original design would have put it in the Sport category. You’d be surprised what a well-ridden Goldwing could do.
  12. The DVD isn’t a reenactment of the book’s material but more an evolution, IMO. So, the audiobook would be a spoken version of the book.
  13. Seeing the list of SRs I’m wondering if they’re ordered by difficulty to resolve.
  14. I think gpounce is onto something… Is the 8th SR: Charging the Corner?
  15. Coffeefirst reminded me of a video and discussion on social media among riders of a collision with a car. I was the lone voice that said the rider’s lack of visual and bike control skills was at fault and the collision could have been avoided. The rider ended up seriously hurt. Keith did an article where he identified several key skills that if a rider didn’t have, they don’t belong on the street on a motorcycle because they’re a risk to themselves. Might be worth a search and read for anyone that street rides.
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