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yakaru last won the day on February 18 2022

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About yakaru

  • Birthday May 30

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  • Have you attended a California Superbike School school?
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  1. I should probably use the rear a bit more than I do, specifically on bikes without any form of linking, but for me the rear brake's most common use is for holding the bike still at a stop, particularly on inclines.
  2. I'd like to just contribute a more general elaboration to this problem and the "common wisdom" https://www.instagram.com/p/C46Vp29vNNd/ This post by CSS shows the Moto 3 bikes all 'off line' from the dark rubber put down by higher displacement machines. Picking the right line follows the general rules you stated but you also have to make compromises -- do you brake more to get a much straighter line on the exit (AKA "Point and Shoot") or do you try and favor not losing momentum. While this is a concern with any corner on any size bike the balance of the equation will change. For example, pointing and shooting into a corner that has another corner 50 feet after the apex doesn't have the payoff possibility that the same approach would have going onto a straightaway; and on my 250 there are corners I can take with an earlier apex since I won't be pushed to the outside like I would on a larger machine. In a similar vein, drawing a line on the track photo would both not be useful beyond conceptually (not using real reference points, etc.) but we'd have to know the scale and so forth in a way that can be made sense of. So my recommendation is to be scientific. Literally. First, gather information -- go out for some laps and pick up some potential reference points. Try a turn point, then try earlier, or later, compare -- how does it flow visually? How's the entry? The exit? If you really want to be nerdy get a datalogger or lap timer. Because you're at a track you've got room to experiment. Play with the apex and exit line in a similar way.
  3. I've found that chasing mastery of some specific challenge (my line out of this corner, my visuals for that section, the precision of my roll on for that exit) is what I benefit and enjoy most, and then lap times are a confirmation after the fact. If I just chase laptimes I find I don't enjoy myself as much, and often end up making more mistakes and not improving. Laptimes are a result, not a goal nor skill... well, with one exception: for race qualifying they're definitely the goal
  4. Hi Sid! The first thing I'll say is that if you're looking towards track days you should review the rules for groups in your area. Some orgs require one piece suits which might influence your decision here (I wouldn't advise a one piece for the street, I've done it a few times and it's a lot of trouble). In my experience higher end gear usually comes with a zipper that goes around the majority of the suit (I've seen it called a 360° zipper but it's more accurately 270° or so). I've only mixed brands once but when I did those two meshed up readily. Obviously, I'd want to try it in person if possible since different zipper designs might not work. Most of the better motorcycle gear shops could install matching zippers for you, though obviously that's an extra cost. I know a few shops that I'd recommend for this but none in the Texas area off hand. As for boots the only recommendation I can make is to shop around and find something that has the adjustment range for the calves that you'll need. Also, most boots are designed to go over the leg leathers which gives them more room in that region if you can find pants that are large enough at the bottom to invert that relationship (though in that case I'd recommend long socks to make sure you don't chaffe your legs up too much).
  5. In my case the change of perspective is the goal, and it's most pronounced in slow corners and especially in what I might call 'perspective sensitive' ones (e.g. where the apex is 'hidden around the back' of a hill). It can definitely play with your sense of speed, but that's where I find no brakes and other drills to be the most useful -- just like a late 2 step a late sit up will make you get the information late and not be able to adapt. Maybe I'll chat with Keith/Cobie/etc. about it tomorrow at Vegas and gather some thoughts!
  6. a bit off topic but FWIW I have generally tried to sit up somewhat when I brake, especially in races or "day before race" track days, as a signal for anyone following close behind that I'm slowing down; but I try to not do so to the point I stop having flex in my elbows/tense up. This was actually brought up during novice race licensing a few years back as a best practice. edit: missed page 2 and I see this was already brought up. Yeah, I've had the same thought about signalling others potentially being used against me, but I've also seen plenty of novices be hot headed and aggressive enough I'd rather give up position than have an incident from someone not paying attention. edit the 2nd: on further reflection I think I actually probably tend to sit up a bit, if not already done earlier for moving weight a bit farther back/"sailing" to help the front tire under breaking, when I am beginning to transition to my 2 step's... uh, 2nd step -- it's a bit more subtle in those cases, but gives just that little bit of extra perspective sometimes (I'm having recollections of Keith talking about how humans are not ideally designed for motorcycle riding because of where our eyes are).
  7. I find myself agreeing with a lot of what you're saying Coffee -- if it happens most frequently when going too slow then it can probably be attributed at least in part to some form of impatience. I know I've spent time on internalizing that you have to wait for the right time to roll on and if you rush it you just get yourself in trouble, even if you did go in slower than intended. I might still pay attention to the interface but if it's mostly when too slow that would be quite telling to it being a mental process issue.
  8. Some of the things you said make me think of potential ergonomic issues. Take a look at this clip -- https://youtu.be/JPvwHgYZx9c?t=628 -- I've set it to start at 628 which should be right where they go over brake ergonomics for the throttle.
  9. Some more details would be useful but a few ideas/questions: How is your throttle grip? Is it comfortable? Tense? Is it focused in the fingers like a screwdriver grip or more of a 'fist'? How is your feel through your gloves? As an experiment can you initiate a roll on while straight up and down without unsettling/'gunning' or is it only in a corner that this happens?
  10. Wow, wonder what sold out so quick -- I'm doing my scheduling and budgeting to see what I can fit in but I'm sure I'll be at the Ridge too unless it's booked out already.
  11. The school will tape over it if you don't, for general track days I generally keep mine taped as well -- no reason to look at it.
  12. Painters tape is great since it won't leave much residue when you take it off. I tend to tape over all front and back lights when I bring a street bike. For "bonus points" you can also pull the fuse for the lights, but not strictly required. I went and found some old pictures of when I took my street bike to the track -- I'm pretty meticulous, no need to be this neat if you don't want to be, but here's an example:
  13. Oh no, not VIR! Barber and VIR both are among my favorite tracks (and that opinion is shared many of the coaches too, by my understanding). Sad to miss Barber this year, but sadly I have to earn a living and only can afford so many days off and so many school tuitions.
  14. A bit off topic but on the "wild racers cutting up people" -- I've said on more than one occasion that Trevor runs a tight ship in terms of course control and if there were orgs that followed his standards I'd go to them far more readily than some of the guys who think they need to ride at 110% to make sure they pass everyone even if it means they end up lowsiding or otherwise getting themselves and others in trouble every other track day.
  15. Sometimes I find that the camps are easier -- the breaks can be welcome but humans tend to have the ability for endurance to persist as long as needed. Without breaks my body never finds the time to "let itself be tired", whereas with regular schools sometimes the breaks, especially on a hot day, can cause the desire to cat nap. But obviously in the end the actual requirements for the camps are higher and Hotfoot's suggestions are spot on -- ramp up evenly, hydrate, eat rationally and you'll be good; if you work on endurance as well as upper leg and core muscles you'll be golden.
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