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Hotfoot last won the day on August 3

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  • Have you attended a California Superbike School school?
    Yes! Lots of them. :)

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  1. Anybody have any experience with the CFMoto bikes that are out now? Like the 450SS?
  2. Welcome! You will love the school, I'm certain. What dates/track(s) are you looking to do?
  3. Good plan! Wishing you great success, and make sure you remember to have fun, too.
  4. Great observation! "Pushing" for more speed is a classic way to trigger Survival Reactions, and tension and visual errors are some of the most common ones. Sounds like you have a good understanding of how those techniques handle the SRs and are able to apply them to calm them down, well done!
  5. One of the things Keith recommends in A Twist of the Wrist is to have a track map and as you identify reference points, come in and mark them on the map and write down a description of the each mark, what it looks like and how you are using it. That might help you remember them, since it it not only reminds you right away after your ride session, it also 'records' the references in your brain in a different way (by describing each one with words) versus just relying on remembering them visually as a picture. And, of course, it gives you a record to go back and look at the next time you ride that track, reviewing your prior RP notes can REALLY help get you located on the track more quickly the next time. It also may help to prioritize the references you need and want, so you can go out each ride session and nail down just a few at a time (per session) rather than trying to identify and retain a lot of them all at once. For example, decide that you need to choose a specific apex in Turn 3, and a visual reference so you know where to crest the hill in the blind area in Turn 9, and just go find those two references in a ride session, and write them down. Then in your next session pick up a few more, etc. Trying to get 3 or more reference points in every corner in the first session or two of a day can be overwhelming and cause them all to sort of run together or get muddled in your head. As far as picking them up more quickly, using the 3 step technique (do you remember that?) and/or Wide View can help you see the shape of the corners and open up your vision which helps with finding RPs.
  6. I get it from VP Fuel, in 5 gal pails, I use C10 in the race bikes (no lead, non-oxygenated, ethanol free) and VP's "Small Engine Fuel" for the dual-sport bikes. I can't find it anywhere at the pump, I don't know if it is legal to sell ethanol free gas at the pump in California.
  7. Neat little bike, I hope the motivation takes hold. I had a YSR50 for years, kept it street legal, they are such fun and cute and a real conversation-starter at the track.
  8. No comment on fuel for high performance but I use ethanol-free gas in my smaller carbureted bikes (DR200, TW200, MD250H) because when I use standard pump gas, the pilot jets clog easily if they sit without running for even a couple of weeks. It's more expensive but saves a lot of carb cleaning. Fuel stabilizers help with pump gas but for me that doesn't seem to work as well as using the ethanol free gas.
  9. I have a helmet question. If a rider's helmet sits a bit too low and is hard to see out of when they are low on the bike (or going uphill), what is the best remedy for that? I know at the school we have some special foam pads for that purpose, but what about at home? I've heard of riders using other materials in the helmet to lift it up a bit, like a folded microfiber towel. Does that compromise the safety of the helmet? Is there any other way to raise the viewport other than stuffing something in the crown of the helmet? If helmet foam is the only way to raise up the helmet, where else can you get it other than at Superbike School?
  10. Great write-up! Sounds like you had a wonderful day and I am sure we will see you back again for more. The hydration drink is called "Skratch" from Skratch Labs, good stuff and absolutely helps and tastes good, too.
  11. Welcome! Nice list of bikes, post a pic of the Derbi!!!
  12. Personally I like that it doesn't fling off too much after putting it on the chain. But, I wanted to give you a more complete answer so I checked with our Chief Mechanic, and he said that the chain life on the bikes is good (and we do put on a lot of miles) so in his experience it is good protection for the chain, and he likes that it is not too messy.
  13. The convenience of having A Twist of the Wrist II movie on Prime Video is awesome. It's great to be able to get it immediately without having to wait for a DVD to ship, but I also find it really convenient that I can watch it from anywhere - I have the DVD but it is at home. Now that I have it on Prime I can bring it up to watch from anywhere, very handy.
  14. I think we all experience that! No matter how much road, track or race experience you have, there are always things in the books or in the movie that you see and think, "Yep! I need to work on that!" Of course every time you push past a plateau in riding and get faster/safer/more in control, the techniques apply at a whole new level and you see more things to work on. It is a wonderful journey.
  15. Wow, this looks fun and very snazzy paint scheme!!
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