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On The Gas Harder Or More Entry Speed


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Okay Forum,


Here's a question thrown atcha:



An "ideal" corner, no bank, billiard smooth, etc.

Has a long straight at both ends, entry and exit


You enter this corner after successive laps, hit your braking markers and your panic reaction says 'you're in too hot'. Your training says 'I'm at my turn point now' and so you agressively countersteer on the bars. The bike's trajectory puts you pointed right at your apex, and your right hand instictively is rolling on the throttle, nice and smoothly the way you've done hundreds of times.


In spite of your 'too fast' panic reaction, your right hand continues to roll on the throttle and you're now drifting to the exit marker perfectly with your eyes down the straight. You pull over into the pits to calm your nerves and your after assessment tells you that you exited where you planned, except your rear tire was over the curbing by about 3 inches. Now realizing this, you've found your new limit.


What you didn't realize was the rider following you on the same make/ model bike didn't miss the braking markers the way you did and entered at the planned speed, hit the apex and hit the same 3 inch rumble strip. Your conversation with him reveals that he was on the gas harder this time around instead of in the corner higher.


The question is will getting on the throttle harder in a turn produce the same result as going into the turn faster? How about applying throttle earlier in the turn?

What is the correct way of assessing how close to the limit you've progressed?

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On the gas harder or more entry speed?

Generally speaking, particularly if the corner is followed by long straight, I feel it is better to have a higher exit speed, as you will carry this advantage for a longer period of time (down the long straight).


How about applying throttle earlier in the turn?

The rule is, to apply the throttle as soon as possible. As your already 3 inches over the curbing, I wouldn't be changing my application of the throttle, but I would be changing my underwear. ;)


What is the correct way of assessing how close to the limit you've progressed?

Personally I don't have an exit reference point. If I did, chances are, that is where I'd nearly always end up (because that is where I'm looking / aiming for). I let the bike dictate where it exits the corner. If I consistently have 12 inches to spare on the exit, I'd look at increasing the progression of my throttle application (harder in small increments) if I felt that bike could handle it, but still only changing one thing at a time in my plan for that corner.



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When considering this type of question I would wonder what sort of bike you are on?


On a 125 entry speed is everything. Getting on the gas early means a lot too.


On a 1000 entry speed is still important, but I would sacrifice some for a better drive off. Same for getting on the gas early (I don't mean cracking on the throttle, I mean starting your drive), on a big hp bike you have to wait a little longer to start your drive. If you get it pointed and get on the gas hard it pays off when you have hp.

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