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My Street Of Willow Level 1 Experience

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Mark here.


I attended Level One training at Streets of Willow on June 14th '09. Brought long time friend and riding partner Stuie.

We're nOObs on a sportbike.


CSS is a pro organization. Safety and service is top priority. Don't expect to be spoon fed. Classroom instructors and on track rider coaches will ask you to think things out. Often, leading one to answer their own questions. It's a very affective tool in achieving a deeper understanding of the art.


I recommend doing some homework prior to coming to the school. Read everything you can get on the subject of controlling a high performance bike if possible. If not, at least try to read Twist II prior to your day at school.


Your day will start with a wonderfull selection of choices for breakfast. CSS wants you fed and watered throughout the day for stamina and attention.


The day is very structured. Your going to be expected to be certain places at certain times. Be there. Other students' day will be impacted in a negative way if your late.


I used one of CSS's 600cc Ninjas. The motorcycles were outstanding! They ran like new, had great tires, brakes and controls. Kieth Code's mechanical staff never stops checking on the equipment to ensure top performance.


My Rider Coach was James Toohey. James is totally professional, a master at riding and better yet, is one of those special individuals with the skills to demonstrate, observe and provide a constructive and tactful critique for his students. James was soooo busy during my day at school, yet, took as much relaxed time as needed to explain, make recommendations and answer student questions. It was my feeling that ALL the on track rider coaches have these skills.


On track safety is taken very seriously. I was called off the track twice to be told not to pass so close. They want a minimum continuous 6 foot bubble around the bikes and my estimate of 6 foot was a little short. I recommend more to satisfy everyone and not create a distraction.


Thank-you to all the CSS staff for providing a great learning and professional environment. I'll be back for Level II asap.


I highly recommend the school and suggest that the money was well spent!


I am a better rider now that I have attended.



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Hey Mark,


I had a similar experience on Saturday. I haven't read any negative comments about the school. TO be completely honest, before the school, I thought it was a bit on the pricey side - and hoped it'd be worth it. Like everyone else, I found it to be well worth the cost. Although I would have prefered more track time... something like 55 min on track 5 debreif - but maybe that's due to me becoming a track whore... ;)


I even noticed a difference while commuting to and from work. Nothing dramatic, just a small, yet noticeable, little suttin-suttin.



...and now I have more to say inside my helmet... find it, now, relax, knee... :ph34r::lol:

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Hi Mark and DMJ,


Really glad to hear this guys, the kind of result we work to get :)


We just finished 4 days, all went really, really well, weather was great, students were a lot of fun, Willow is a great track to run the school on.


The School has changed qutie a bit over the years as Keith has expanded the training. From a small truck and fleet (with no real on-track coaching) to 11 trained coaches (not counting anyone 'in traning"), each student gets assigned a trained coach, off-track training, which includes Steering Drill, Lean Bike, Brake Bike, Video Bike, NO B/S Bike. Quite a bit different in scope than pretty much all the other operations.


But, I'm biased :). I was a student in 1982, then became an addict (started working here) in 1983.


You guys can tell me if I sound like an advertisement, I'll try and calm down.




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Hi Mark and DMJ,


Really glad to hear this guys, the kind of result we work to get :)


But, I'm biased :) . I was a student in 1982, then became an addict (started working here) in 1983.


You guys can tell me if I sound like an advertisement, I'll try and calm down.





I find your enthusiasm refreshing! It's part of the successful formula!



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Hi Mark and DMJ,


Really glad to hear this guys, the kind of result we work to get :)


But, I'm biased :) . I was a student in 1982, then became an addict (started working here) in 1983.


You guys can tell me if I sound like an advertisement, I'll try and calm down.





I find your enthusiasm refreshing! It's part of the successful formula!




Yeah, I think there is something good for the soul with this motorcycle riding thing :)



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  • 2 months later...

CSS is a pro organization. Safety and service is top priority. Don't expect to be spoon fed. Classroom instructors and on track rider coaches will ask you to think things out. Often, leading one to answer their own questions. It's a very affective tool in achieving a deeper understanding of the art.

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