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New Old Sea Dog.............

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Hyall !! Spent most of my life ( mumblemumble)yrs, making 4wheels go quick, last 4yrs(mainly summer, good weather) learning to keep 2wheels right way down........yeah, i know, cant teach an old dog new tricks and all that but i beg to differ. Never enjoyed myself so much and what a buzz ! My 'local' group consists of advanced through loonatics to modest racers so plenty to learn from (or not as the case may be) Started on a fazer 600, 2mths later 06 blade i had for 2yrs,then gixxer thou with sm for the dodgy slippy roads, now on the change. (not me, the bike!!) Done couple of track days and Haslam school. This site extremely interesting and informative, glad to be part of it! Roll on next year, look forward to seeing the dates. Now wheres that TOTW.......... :D

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Hey man, welcome to the site! There's a couple of things that make this forum one of the best on the web: A, everyone is pretty civil. It doesn't hurt that there's a very good chance you'll end up riding with many of the people you "speak" with on this forum. And B, if you have any questions you can usually get them answered by one of the instructors (if they haven't been answered already in another post!) and not by some dot-net-genius out to prove he's not a squid but everybody else is.

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Hi Bananaman,


Welcome to our site, sounds like you've had a history of wheels and engines, no doubt you've got some great stories to tell, you being an old dog and all that.


You'll find our site really friendly, informative, and populated by really great people from across the world. Some of them are students, some aren't, just stop by, chew the fat, and offer their perspective on things. Either way, all are welcome, we're driven by the pursuit of improved motorbike skills for all.


Hope to hear more about you, and perhaps we'll see you at a UK school sometime this coming year, as I'm sure we can teach an old dog a few new tricks! ;)



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Howdy, Bananaman. Good to have you. If you're really working at improving, stick with the site. You'll learn.


Thats the idea i hope ! Thanks for the welcome, sure is a friendly and enthusiastic site, looking forward to maybe Brands next year for starters as its 'bout half hour from me.


Cant upload pic? select file, click on upload, goes thro the motions then says file not selected? Any ideas ?

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Howdy, Bananaman. Good to have you. If you're really working at improving, stick with the site. You'll learn.


Thats the idea i hope ! Thanks for the welcome, sure is a friendly and enthusiastic site, looking forward to maybe Brands next year for starters as its 'bout half hour from me.


Cant upload pic? select file, click on upload, goes thro the motions then says file not selected? Any ideas ?

MAYBE Brands? half an hour? How could you not do it?


With the pics, I don't know. I've tried to put up new ones, and it seems to be selective.

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Howdy, Bananaman. Good to have you. If you're really working at improving, stick with the site. You'll learn.


Thats the idea i hope ! Thanks for the welcome, sure is a friendly and enthusiastic site, looking forward to maybe Brands next year for starters as its 'bout half hour from me.


Cant upload pic? select file, click on upload, goes thro the motions then says file not selected? Any ideas ?

MAYBE Brands? half an hour? How could you not do it?


With the pics, I don't know. I've tried to put up new ones, and it seems to be selective.


I know, sounds terrible doesnt it? Ride to most uk meetings and stopovers,do sm track days, quad days and sbk days, i.o.m and germany, will fit it in if i can. I gotta lot to catch up on bud !! Aint life a biatch ???? :D Seriously though, it IS pencilled in..........

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Rainman--any suggestions on the pics issue?


Did you try and upload it on the student photos section?


I'll check on this in the mean time, and welcome aboard!




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