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2 Day Camp Questions

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Hi y'all. I've got a couple questions about the 2 day camp. I'm leaning very strongly towards putting a deposit for the Aug 1st & 2nd dates.


I understand the leathers and bike are supplied during the 2 days. Is a parts and leather security deposit still required?


I've been riding for about 4 years now but never been to the track. And twisty experience is limited. What lessons would be given to me?


Recently I lowsided on my own s1k during a right turn on a city street. No damage to me (I wear my gear) but my insurance wasn't happy with the $7.5k bill. I've gone over and over the crash in my head and can't figure out anything I did wrong (stayed on the throttle and had the brake uncovered). It's murdering my confidence in turns. Can the camp help with this?

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Hi y'all. I've got a couple questions about the 2 day camp.

Recently I lowsided on my own s1k during a right turn on a city street ...I've gone over and over the crash in my head and can't figure out anything I did wrong...It's murdering my confidence in turns. Can the camp help with this?


I have been a corner worker for the School for about 5 or 6 years now and work NJMP on a regular basis. I also typically work the two-day camps and I can tell you without any exaggeration that I have never seen a student fail to improve - in most cases dramatically. If you could see what many Level I riders look like in the first session on day one and see them in the last (7th) session on day two, you would not believe they are the same rider. YRMV, but I doubt it very much.



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It's murdering my confidence in turns. Can the camp help with this?


ABSOLUTELY, After even a 1 Day camp your confidence with turning the motorcycle will improve dramatically. I have had the opportunity to attend a 2 day camp and I'm pretty sure we still had to give them a CC for the deposit.

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Hey Damon


Here's a link to a review I wrote on my two day camp experience, you may find it useful (I've got reviews on my level 1 & 2 one day classes if you are curious about the content just shoot me a PM). And yes there is still a deposit - but it is very reasonable considering you are on an S1000RR.


And I completely agree with Rainman and T-Mc, the school will improve your riding. Plus it is a great introduction to the track. The atmosphere is one of learning not competition so no one will give you any grief about your pace (as long as it's not dangerously slow :P ). I can honestly describe CSS as the best money I have spent on motorcycling.




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Recently I lowsided on my own s1k during a right turn on a city street. No damage to me (I wear my gear) but my insurance wasn't happy with the $7.5k bill. I've gone over and over the crash in my head and can't figure out anything I did wrong (stayed on the throttle and had the brake uncovered). It's murdering my confidence in turns. Can the camp help with this?



Hey Kuroshio, I recently got back on a touring bike after a long - long time. For me, No confidence made for exciting riding but no satisfaction and definately no joy. Took Level 1 at VIR recently and that has made huge difference. In my view, yes the camp is made for you. Bet if you take the class you will be able to identify the element that put you down recently. In the meantime, start with Twist of the Wrist 2, book and DVD. As to the very slow part on the track, I was a bit worried about that as I was riding a Valkyrie interstate. But it genuinely didn't seem to be a problem. The instructors, and guys, and gals where great to ride and learn with. Here's to all the gear all the time. Slow Rabbit

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You absolutely should attend a CSS event if you are able. I just finished my second 2-day camp, so I've now done a total of two 2-days camps and four 1-day camps, and I'm already planning to attend another 1-day later this year. From day one I think you will discover a whole new world of riding will open to you. It really has been amazing working with the CSS coaches and learning how to better co-exist with the motorcycle. I will warn you though, you may become addicted to the track :)


Also, the advice to get the Twist 2 book and DVD is spot-on. I've had both for just over two years and I re-read portions of the book at least once or twice every week, and sometimes more often. I also like re-reading parts of The Soft Science of Road Racing Motorcycles but I think you first should know Twist 2 pretty well.

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