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What Caused Me To Miss A Second Apex...

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I just came back from another fantastic track day in Albuquerque, albeit a little hot (95F), but I'll say Yeah! to the AlpineStar cooling shirt, they work!


I was practicing my lines today among other things, and I kept missing the second apex on a double apex corner. One of the corner marshal pointed to me that I was always too wide. I worked on it the next session and realized, after chatting with other riders, that what made me miss it was something I was doing 2 corners earlier! Who would think (well maybe some of you experienced guys/gals) that something you do in one corner could affect two corners later. Well, I certainly learned something today!

My exit at turn 3 (the hairpin), put me at the wrong place to enter turn 4, and while accelerating while exiting turn 4, lifted the bike too early and made me miss the entrance of turn 5, which made me miss the second apex of turn 5. Once I worked on fixing the exit of turn 3 and turn 4, I nailed the second apex of turn 5 every time after that.


It's always great to solve little problems like that



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Good insight for sure, Guy B) .


Many times I can trace back to a mistake on a previous corner(s) that absolutely affected my line on the next corner. Sometimes I know it immediately and am able to correct quickly, other times it takes some thought to figure it out.

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Great to hear that you got that sorted!


It can be tricky when you get comfortable with a certain 'routine' and just get used to running wide for example. It can take a bit of discipline (for me at least) to start working back to see where the problem starts. A good reminder that something can affect you as far as 2 corners (or more) down the track!

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