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The Wife And I

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Hello all. First I want to apologize for posting questions that have been asked here before. I can't seem to find the previous post so I am stuck bugging you all again! The wife and I are taking level 1 in two weeks at NJMP(I have been waiting all summer!) and we are unsure about whether or not we should try to be in the same group. We are able to work very well together and often times compliment the learning process for each other. On the other hand being separate and able to only concentrate on absorbing the information is very important as well. So if anyone has been in this situation please let me know what you did and how it turned out and if any of the coaches have any thoughts please chime in. Thanks for the ear!

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You will probably want to be in the same riding group so that your track time and classroom time coincide, but whether you request to share the same coach is up to you.


As a coach, I'll say that sometimes we see one spouse try to "help" the other with additional coaching, which becomes a distraction and can introduce confusion, etc. That would be the main thing to avoid.


From a student perspective (because I took some schools with my husband) I found it to be fun because we could hear each other's interaction with the coach, but also slightly distracting as I was paying a little bit of attention to his riding, in addition to my own. (I can tell you that if my husband had tried to critique my riding that would have upset me.) Anyway, we have done both, shared a coach or had different coaches, and we ultimately ended up with no preference one way or the other, it was fun either way. :)

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You will probably want to be in the same riding group so that your track time and classroom time coincide...


I can't speak to riding with a wife but I agree with Hotfoot. I have ridden with friends and it is more fun and convenient to be in the same riding group. If anything makes CSS more fun it's being able to discuss it with someone you know. Having the same coach could be fun or distracting depending on your personalities and dynamic as a couple.


Post up after you do the school and let us know how it goes!

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It's a busy day so if you ride etc. at the same times it's good, otherwise you'll really only see each other at lunchtimes. Same coach or not is up to you, for the riding sessions you'll be on different parts of the track at any one time anyway, regardless of whether you share a coach or not, unless you deliberately try to ride around together which will banjo your concentration anyway. The only time you'll be together with the same coach is the debrief afterwards. It's useful for all three or so riders to be there at once as we all have differetn things to work on and look at things different ways. Again if your wife is in that group or not is really up to you, part of the value of these discussions is hearing people talking about things from an angle you've not thought of.


Best to speak to the school beforehand to make sure it's arranged the way you want it, I'm not sure how easy or welcome changes on the day are. They're a very helpful buch but there are a lot of them and they need to be well organised. You'll have a great time, there are no stupid questions, it's a really nice atmosphere.

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i personally would advocate separate coaches. I think you gain a lot from hearing others and not sure you would want the distraction of trying to help (or someone trying to help you) someone when they are on a particular skill.. . That being said - on a 2 day, if you were separate coaches, you can ride in the same group (though I have heard siblings/friends separated into different groups so that any sort of competitive tendencies were removed) to stay on the same schedule. For one days - there might be a benefit to not being in the same group as one could watch the other during the off period (but not vice versa). So a thought to consider as well.

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