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Barber Motorsports Park

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Wow, what a fantastic few days we just had at Barber Motorsports Park! The place is just absolutely beautiful and the track is fun, flowing, and challenging. We had great weather and I had a great time coaching, my students were terrific and we had a ton of familiar faces returning from prior years, which we love to see.


I spent particular attention at this school to my hook turn and my quickturn, the track has two challenging tight turns that lead into places for strong drives and I had great success by improving my application of those two skills in those areas.


Bonus, I got to meet PittsDriver from the forum, and some other forum regulars were there, too - you know who you are!


Was anyone else form the forum there? Let us know how your school went - even better if it is your first time posting up!

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Thank you for helping schedule my time on the brake bike. Joe helped me face one of my biggest monsters a locked up front wheel. Much to my surprise I got it to lock on the first stop and it was not really as scary as I had thought. It was an amazing experience exploring some of the outer limits of braking without the risk of crashing. I made some impossibly short stops and even lifted the rear wheel a couple of times. Heading back on track I started heading deeper and deeper than ever before into corners with complete confidence.


We added the brake release drill somewhere along the way and it really helped smooth out my corner entries keeping the front suspension compressed.


Overall I had a great experience and fixed a number of problems. Too many of them to list here of course.

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I did the Level 1/2 camp last spring so a year and a couple of track days later, I found my way to the Level 3/4 camp at Barber where I met Hotfoot and the rest of the CSS cast of amazingly talented coaches and consultants. Hotfoot mentioned to me that while this forum is fun and great there seems to be very experienced riders here and then inexperienced riders posting up - not too many intermediate level folks that jump in and describe their experiences. Hey, that's me. I have to admit to not being very active here or posting up very often so when I get a bit more time I'll post up my experience with this camp. I'll just say for now that I benefitted from the level 3 BP skills drills and the hook turn (holy cow that really works!) but what really was an eye opener for me was being able to go back and work on some of the vision related skills and picking out better RPs along with my braking technique. I knocked 12 seconds off my best lap times from day one during my Level 4 work and at the end I was improving so quickly that I left there really wanting another couple of days of coaching!


I can't say enough about how effective the Level 4 experience was for me, especially when we got into the last few sessions where my vision, bike english, and braking all came together. Thank you CSS!

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