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Pocono Crash On 23rd

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Hey guys,


I crashed at the end of the day on 23rd and was air lifted to the hospital. Just wanted to apologize for screwing up the last sessions for everyone... I hope that the damage to the equipment/mood was minimal. I had a pretty good concussion - don't remember the crash or, for that matter, much from the day of the crash, but other than that no major bodily harm was done. If anyone here has seen what happened or could remind me the details of the two days to help me recall things, I'd appreciate the feedback. I do remember that I loved the training, coaches were great and the teaching system that Keith developed is excellent. I guess I'll have to do this again next year!






P.S. I can be reached at 917-343-3175 (work) and 646-408-8335 (cell)

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Glad to hear you're OK. A skyride in the horizontal position is never a fun thing. I wasnt on this trip, so I dont have any details on the crash. However, the crew that was at Pocono will be home soon and can probably answer some of those lingering questions. I'm sure Cobie or Keith will be giving you a ring when they get back.


Take care


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Hey guys,


I crashed at the end of the day on 23rd and was air lifted to the hospital. Just wanted to apologize for screwing up the last sessions for everyone... I hope that the damage to the equipment/mood was minimal. I had a pretty good concussion - don't remember the crash or, for that matter, much from the day of the crash, but other than that no major bodily harm was done. If anyone here has seen what happened or could remind me the details of the two days to help me recall things, I'd appreciate the feedback. I do remember that I loved the training, coaches were great and the teaching system that Keith developed is excellent. I guess I'll have to do this again next year!






P.S. I can be reached at 917-343-3175 (work) and 646-408-8335 (cell)


I was the Head Corner Worker that day and was stationed in 8 when you went down in 4. The CW in 4 told me that you went in to 4 pretty hot and that it appeared to him that you needed to either add more lean angle or roll off to stay on the track. He said that you ran wide and once your front tire hit the grass (it was soaked with standing water in it) it washed out literally and you and the bike slid out to the hay bales.


I spoke with Trevor after and he said that you appeared to be OK immediately after but that you began to give strange answers to his questions so you got the hook.


As for screwing up the last session, it was the 16th of the 15 that were scheduled for the day. We were in the extra session and at the end of it when you crashed so you didn't affect the original schedule at all. The goal was to make up for the short day on Wednesday and Trevor accomplished that with the 16th session.


In closing, I am going to forward your contact information to the Corner Worker who was in 4 so you and he can speak directly.


Very happy to hear that you're OK and that you are going to give it a go next year.


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I was the Head Corner Worker that day and was stationed in 8 when you went down in 4. The CW in 4 told me that you went in to 4 pretty hot and that it appeared to him that you needed to either add more lean angle or roll off to stay on the track. He said that you ran wide and once your front tire hit the grass (it was soaked with standing water in it) it washed out literally and you and the bike slid out to the hay bales.


I spoke with Trevor after and he said that you appeared to be OK immediately after but that you began to give strange answers to his questions so you got the hook.


As for screwing up the last session, it was the 16th of the 15 that were scheduled for the day. We were in the extra session and at the end of it when you crashed so you didn't affect the original schedule at all. The goal was to make up for the short day on Wednesday and Trevor accomplished that with the 16th session.


In closing, I am going to forward your contact information to the Corner Worker who was in 4 so you and he can speak directly.


Very happy to hear that you're OK and that you are going to give it a go next year.



Thanks, Kevin. Kinda ironic that I crashed at the end of the last session. I thought that I had learned by now and I usually take it easy at the end, but I guess I had not. Or, rather, I can't remember if I did. As for giving it a go next year, I am waiting to hear what my health insurance company is going to say when they see the bill. When I called them a while back they said they only have restrictions if one is racing, but I am sure they will try to find a way out of 27,000 bill... We'll see how it goes.

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Thanks, Kevin. Kinda ironic that I crashed at the end of the last session. I thought that I had learned by now and I usually take it easy at the end, but I guess I had not. Or, rather, I can't remember if I did. As for giving it a go next year, I am waiting to hear what my health insurance company is going to say when they see the bill. When I called them a while back they said they only have restrictions if one is racing, but I am sure they will try to find a way out of 27,000 bill... We'll see how it goes.




An End of Day crash would seem ironic except for one overarching factor - rider fatigue. You had finished two very intensive days of riding on a course that doesn't give you very much time to rest. You also rode every other session for two days and you were on your eighth rotation of that day when you overshot a turn. I would recommend that you learn from your mistake but wouldn't be too hard on yourself - this stuff happens.


Now 27 large is another issue altogether. BTW, did you tell your insurance agent that you were at a Cornering SCHOOL and not racing? There is a BIG difference from my experience. The first time I attended the Superbike School six years ago was at the prompting of my insurance agent from Progressive. He told me that I was covered at a School, but not if I was actually racing. YRMV.


Good Luck,



PS Did Andrew call you yet?

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This would be going directly through my health isurance, not through my bike insurance (Progressive). I told the hospital to make sure that they are explicit in saying that I crashed at a school and not during a race, but I don't know what they'll actually put there.


I didn't hear from Andrew yet.



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Got a call from Andy and he explained where/how I crashed. It was very helful because I could not remember pushing myself and/or taking any corners without a comfort margin and I was quite worried that I wouldn't know what mistake I made. He said that I did not go far enough to the right before taking turn 4 (left hander) and now I remember that coming out of the turn 3 I had had a bit of a problem setting up for 4 once or twice during that day. So the problem probably started with the line I took in turn 3. Not sure if I took a different line or went into the turn faster, or both, but when I went into 4 I was going to fast/was on the wrong line. When I saw what was not going to make the turn, I decided to straighten out the bike and brake on the back straight, but the front wheel washed out on the wet grass/puddle that I hit. Andy says that I probably could have made that turn if I stuck to it. Any way, a few lessons have been learned. I will be on a lookout for these "problem" spots that don't look like a big problem until you crash and will make sure that I can take the right line EACH time without making major adjustments before increasing speed into the turn. I'll also try not to run off into wet grass...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Vadim,


Glad to hear you're dong well. I've bonked my head too, know what it's like.


One thing that I have noticed is that as the speed goes up, the level of precision has to go up with it. At a fairly small and narrow track like Pocono, this becomes pretty critical. The great riders are able to put the bike on the same line (within inches?) lap to lap. Are you back riding yet?




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