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About Crash106

  • Birthday April 19

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  • Have you attended a California Superbike School school?
    No, but I have read all the books.

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    The Carolinas
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    Riding, Reading, Writing, Movies, Walking, Travel.

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  1. Not trolling, just engaging in a lively discussion. May I say that I have played with this technique a LOT. When I say a LOT, I mean off and on for months--literally hours and hours and hours of riding time just on this one issue. What I HEAR is that entering a corner at 45 mph and turning "slowly," say 1 second from full upright to full lean, the tires hardly notice, I can hardly hear them working. Going around again, same corner, same entry speed, I "quick turn" the bike, say half a second from full upright to full lean, and the tires let out a terrified groan. Clearly the tires are working much harder when quick turning the bike. I can't believe I'm the only one who has noticed this. If you haven't heard the exact same thing, I suggest you go out and play in traffic some more. :-) (Any excuse for a ride, right?) So, it's raining in the Smokey Mountains and traction is low, which technique do you want to use? One that requires very little from the tire, or one that pushes the demand for traction? Or, you are on the track, you enter a turn after a long straight, you are going to be putting 1.1 Gs of force on your tires, any more than that and you'll slide out. Do you want to approach that limit all at once, or do you want to ease up to it with a sense of control? Yes, lean angle = G forces, but just as you load the front tire to get maximum braking, I believe you must load the front tire to get maximum turning.
  2. I'm slower than pig snot on a winter's day, but I just don't see the point of hanging off if I'm not running out of lean angle or traction. I'd rather just sit there and enjoy the ride rather than crawl back and forth across the bike for no good reason. I just don't enjoy riding that way. Too old and stiff and tired, I guess. For me, it's eyes up, watch the vanishing point and roll on the throttle.
  3. So Dylan, I'm looking at your body/foot position picture, and I see an imaginary line between the front tire and your knee, AND I see your foot at least 3"-4" above the pavement. At least it looks that way in the picture. So I'm thinking that's 3"-4" further down a rider could put their foot pegs. I know your not riding a touring bike, but why be more scrunched up and uncomfortable than you NEED to be?
  4. I imagine the physical limit is pretty darned high. On the other hand, what's the point of turning faster and faster if you: A. Don't need to turn that quickly B. Scare your passenger half to death (sorry, thought we were talking about street riding for a second), or C. Turn so quickly that you can't set your lean angle properly and either bounce up and down or scare your own self silly and blow the rest of the corner. Lately, I've been seeing how SLOWLY I can turn and find I'm more comfortable leaning slowly and therefore I can lean further (carry more speed?) into the corners. But maybe that's just me.
  5. I noticed this on the ST1300--as soon as I climbed on, my legs locked right in. The Concours 14 is nice, but I jut don't get that same "locked in" feeling.
  6. Welcome to the forum. Nice photo--you look pretty comfortable on that bike. Sometimes it is hard to know what you are doing wrong, but a good coach will spot it right away. You can also learn a lot just from riding behind better riders.
  7. Wow! He is one of those people who NEVER gives up.
  8. Two Examples: Rider R (racer) enters a corner already leaned over, then he adds more lean angle to make his apex. Rider C (cruiser) enters a corner and leans over, then he adds more lean angle to make his apex. Sounds similar to me. Both riders are adding lean angle while already leaned over. Granted, the above examples do not address Mugget's original concern about how FAST he can steer when already leaned over. When I am already leaned over in a corner then decide to add MORE lean angle, I tend to do it more slowly than when I do all my steering at once at the entrance to the corner. I'm extra careful because I don't want to add lean angle and throttle at the same time, and I don't want to add lean angle too fast and start dragging hard parts. Basically, I take it slow because I'm a clumsy lout and have a hard time walking down a hallway without bumping into the walls never mind ride a motorcycle, however, as long as I don't run out of tire tread, I don't think the TIRES care if I lean them from straight up to 45 degrees or from 35 to 45 degrees. So, IMHO, a skilled rider, such as Mugget, certainly CAN quick steer the bike when leaned over, but it takes a bit of finesse. (Is that any clearer? I am sorry if I have expressed this badly. )
  9. Okay--the short version: Sometimes it is okay, in my opinion, to lean in, then lean in some more. For example: Here are a couple of riders violating the One Steering Input rule, and making it work at about -1:14 to -1:05.
  10. Bad news, Mugget--you are now riding your track bike like a Harley! A classic way to ride a heavy cruiser on the street is to enter a corner by going around the outside of the turn. In other words, you tip the bike in at, say 10 degrees of lean. Then, when you see the apex and all is clear (no trucks or squids in your lane), you make a possitive turn toward the apex and lean in to a frieghtening (on a cruiser) 20-degrees. This type of a line is called Tip-in Turn-in. It is actually a safe and conservative way to ride on the street. I also see a lot of MotoGP riders using this technique. They approach the curve and TIP in till they about drag their boot, THEN they pick up their foot and actually TURN in. I don't stick my foot out, but I like this approach sometimes because once I have tipped in, I don't feel like I'm about to run off the road. Somehow, leaning MORE seems less scary to me than that initial lean from straight up. You must be pretty comfortable on our trak bike to notice this. Well done.
  11. Interesting poll. I like to play with the corners. Otherwise, on the street, you have to at least double the speed limit for it to feel fast. I have too many school loans to afford to ride on the track.
  12. Welcome, Tyler. Nice to hear from you. You've done three levels. What would you like to work on if/when you do Level 4? Just curious.
  13. Lots of uses for the rear brake. It is not necessarily a nuclear detonator.
  14. "Stress comes from worry, worry comes from lack of commitment. You quit worrying and get busy once you've committed to anything!" Now THAT is something to think about!
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