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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. Sounds good, both of you guys. 

    You both mention being a bit reticent to get too crazy (and get hurt).  Responsible fellows!  But (being part hooligan) I will ask how often do you boys get banged up?  Could a little hooliganing (unlikely an actual verb) be good enough for the soul to be worth the risk?

    I've got one friend (very good rider) but knows he has no self-restraint, and so won't go dirt riding with me.  Do you boys fall in that category, or just generally responsible fellows.



  2. Anyone doing anything riding related in the downtime?  I've been threatening to dirt ride, should happen this weekend...finally.  And ideally taking my daughter to ride, first time--looking forward to it.

    So, anyone else?  Polishing the bike?  Doing upgrades?  Watching old races?  Re-reading Twist?  Telling lies to your pals?  Hanging out on forums?

  3. On 1/23/2020 at 7:05 PM, FastR1Red said:

    Hi again (I think)

    Joined this forum back in 2012 but didn't know I hadn't posted before.

    Maybe just looking and searching advice etc.

    Riding since 1976 but I did my first CSS (1 & 2) with Keith in 1996 at Phillip Island.

    I did CSS 2 again last month (Dec 2019) and will do L3 sometime this year. Lots has changed, the basics are the same but getting so much older with bad habits creeping in and a general body slowdown I thought I'd do it all again.

    Great people at the school and lots of fun so I'm looking forward to meeting a few of you there. I'll be at the Phillip Island Classic this weekend and another track day Monday.


    I'm jealous that  you are getting some track days!

    I'd should have been at that school in '96 if Keith was there...

  4. Many come in the day before and set up, should be no problem.

    Regarding tires, always good to check that we have them on hand (if buying from us), but easy to coordinate, just call the office.

    As for mounting them in the morning that is no problem.  Just get the tires sorted out asap when you get there, and it will get scheduled for changing.  JJ gets the first group (white) tires ready first, easy to coordinate.



  5. 2000 KX 250 (2-stroke).  What a hoot to ride.  I know the 4-strokes can be a bit easier, but it sure is easy to start when I watch the other guys kicking the pea-waddin out of their 450's.

    Saw that Gorman is now closed, and really...I don't get it.  Can easily practice social distancing.  We are seeing if we can get to the other BLM land, hope that stays open!

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