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Cobie Fair

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Posts posted by Cobie Fair

  1. An update on the riding coach search:


    We've added some new coaches, all doing well in their training right now: Mike Moore, Brian Day, Doug Halpin and James Brown. 3 older coaches are back on board: Jeff Rozycki, Greg Gorman, and Jaime Taynor, and they're also pretty much back up to speed and doing well.


    We still need more coaches though!


    If you haven't responded, didn't have all the requierments, didn't think you were fast enough (or for whatever reason didn't think you'd fit) and didn't send in the application, there is nothing to loose, so send it in!


    See you at the track.




  2. Might be that more deifinition of "thinking" is needed here.


    Take for example braking and downshifting.


    If one had to say to himself, "I must roll off the throttle, put on the brake(s), pull in the clutch, blip the throttle, make the downshift, let out the clutch, while keeping the brake pressure steady, or even lessening it, (re-insert the whole process 2 or 3 more times if going down 2-3 gears), all while keeping my position on the track, or in Rossi's case he sometimes adjusts it under braking, dealing with other riders, noticing flag marshals if need be, etc., etc."


    That would be way too slow, take way longer than the actions themselves.


    If you guys haven't looked at Keith's book THE SOFT SCIENCE OF ROADRACING, it's pretty much dedicated to this aspect of riding.


    I'll be interested to see what you think on this.



  3. I thought I'd update how the search is coming. Quite a few tried out at Sears, this last Feb 22-23. There were a total of 11 tryouts, plus one more that was brought to me that day. There were 3 that passed the riding portion of the tryout, and of those 1 we have decided to proceed to the probation step with.


    I'm still for sure looking! Quite a number of people have read the original post (and downloaded the application), so even if you think you might not be what we need, it's OK to send me the application, and let us decide!


    Quite a number of the current coaching staff did not make the first tryout--they came back a 2nd or 3rd time.




  4. Wow! is all I have to say. The test here in the US is nothing like that. Many even get their test passed if they sucessfully comlete a basic riding course.


    I wonder what kind of riding statistics Holland has compared to the the US--in terms of crashes. I'll bet percentage-wise your's are lower.




  5. Mike,


    Johnny is at all schools, I would imagine with very rare exception (or none!).


    I don't personally mind at all if a guy tells me he is interested in being a coach. Unless the person had no tact at all, I wouldn't think it arrogant if he let me know that. I'd tell Johnny that we have corresponded, and you'd like to know what it takes to be a coach. That's polite enough, and pretty clear too!




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