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Everything posted by comptonchinee

  1. Yeah I was trying to analyse what happened, but everything just points to cold tyres, cold road... It was not wet at all, but that can also mask diesel spills etc, but I am just assuming that it was too cold for that lean angle... It certainly felt like I hit a slippery spot as it was at the end of the corner that I felt the bike "lean" more without any input from me... I assume that that is the sensation of losing traction... Back side never felt like it came around, and front side did not feel like it let go first either... So from what I remember, both tyres let go equally, and the bike just ended up on it's side... And me on my ass!!! I rode home afterwards, and that was a bit daunting, as there were alot of questions in my head which I just pushed away until I got home... but riding today was better... No real issues, just now I know not to lean SO much when it is 2 degrees out... Even in the dry... Thanks for the kind words, and support to keep it upright!!!
  2. So I finally had my first "Off" Tuesday night heading home from work in London... 2 minutes out of work, obviously cold tyres, cold road, took a 90 degree left which opens onto a 3 lane road, Park Lane... Picked my turn point, looked through the corner, steered my bike into the turn, got onto the gas gently, then I felt the bike basically lean more, though I did not do anything with the bars... I was like, hmmmm... sliding???..... Then all I knew was I was on my ass, watching my bike slide down the road on it's side... Scraped knee, banged shoulder, nothing major... The bike?? Lost mirror, turn-signal, scraped nose cone fairing, and engine cover, nothing major... Was still able to ride home, and am back on it again today, after fitting an aftermarket turn-signal... I guess it had to happen sometime... Glad it was not a bad one.... Back to pootling around corners upright for me for a little while then!!!
  3. I have just signed up for Levels 2 and 3 on May 10th and 11th at Brands Hatch. I did level 1 at Silverstone Stowe and I loved it because it was small, but I need to experience different things and tracks, and who DOESN'T want to ride on Brands Hatch?? I know I do!!!
  4. Damn Bullet!!! I was hoping for your sake that the natural healing would have been enough!!! Hope you are back to 100% soon, mate!!!
  5. Hahaha, you gonna laugh mate!!! I only ride 7 miles to work and 7 miles back home... But in the middle of London so alot of tight squeezes, Cagers that do not see you, cyclists all over the place... Quite crazy really!!! Takes 25 minutes just to go that 7 miles!!! But yeah it has added up as I have had my bike for 2 years I think and have made over 10,000 miles so far... The longhauls are what make up my mileage... London to Germany Return, London to Cadwell Park return, London to Silverstone return, London to Bath return... Still working on relaxing on rights!!! And loving riding even in the cold!!! Much better than the underground !!!
  6. I rode once or twice as a kid (about 20 years ago) on a YZ80, and then rode a friends 250 dirt bike in an open field about 7 years ago... Had a god awful time trying to turn the thing!!! THen about 4 years ago a friend let me have a go on his GSX600... Still had problems turning and only rode for about half hour on some mostly deserted roads... But that ride got to me... I loved it!!! and I wanted to know more about steering a bike... So when I moved to UK 3 years ago, I started reading up on countersteering, bought the Twist books, but I needed to practice and experiment with the knowledge I was getting, so I bought a CBR600F fuel injected, and have ridden to work everyday since... So I am going on 2 years right now. Funny thing is after 4 months having the bike, and ridden it about 4 times, I rode to Germany with friends and rode on the Nurburgring (the big one!!) I was really slow but I wanted to get better and more confident, so every day I learn something new about my bike and about riding... Yes alot of wasted years, but I know if I had a bike in Trinidad, I would have probably killed myself!!!
  7. Agreed!!! I also think that I got a bit better with everything towards the end of the day... Levels 2 and 3 in 2010 FOR SURE!!!
  8. Ok here are a few pics from my school day... Yes Yes, I have alot to work on, but I am getting there!!! I am sure that I did not see the cameraman at the end of the day which is when I was going alot faster and getting my chest on the tank more... But for Level 1, I am stoked!!!
  9. Thanks Bullet!!! Sorry about the long posts... I tried to keep it short... I know I was nailing the turn points, and that I was in no way greedy on the throttle, so you correctly said my problem was the 2-step. Because most of the errors in this last corner were throughout the day, but the last session I had no problems... 2-Step definitely made the difference there... You give me something to think about and work on in the off season (fine throttle control, which will definitely help on the roads...)... And by looking out my window at the wonderful sideways rain, I would have to say that this off-season has begun...
  10. What defines our lines??? I would have to say current lean angle while applying the throttle rule defines our lines... As well as where my eyes are looking... Throttle rule is once the bike is turned in, roll-on the throttle evenly, smoothly and continuously for the remainder of the corner. And finally, we should turn the bike only once in a turn. I certainly think that I understand the theory, and I would say that my question before about Stowe's last corner was in the instance of correcting a poorly taken corner, as I mentioned missing the apex. Therefore, I perhaps did not turn at the right time and/or did not turn the bike enough, thus making me feel like I would run wide. So in a perfectly taken corner I would be able to satisfy the throttle rule, and would have by then only turned the bike once. And I achieved that many times throughout the day... But what is the most appropriate and quickest way (lap time-wise) of correcting my poorly taken corner as above?? This could help me on the roads as well... After reading that over, I have a follow up question on the throttle rule... Is it ok by the school's teaching that when I turn in the bike, and I want to get on the gas as soon as possible in order to stabilise the machine, that I can stay at "cracked" throttle for say half a second to a second before rolling on, if I was unsure as to when I can start drive out of the corner due to limited visibility or poor visual skills??? Or is it that once I crack that throttle 2 microseconds after achieving my desired lean angle I should continuously roll-on?? I know that if I am sure about where I am going I would be able to roll-on continuously, but in cases where I doubt or have a brain freeze, or unsure of roads ahead on public roads that I would want to crack the throttle to stabilise but rolling on continuously may mean that I would have to pick the bike up and roll off/brake in the worst case... Obviously this would be a poorly taken corner but what is recommended in this instance?? Is it ok to crack the throttle keep it there, then roll-on once visibility opens up or confidence blooms in that specific corner?? I understand that this will not be the quickest way around the corner but humour me, please... I am sure that you will say to stick with the throttle control rule, as this will maintain my line - it is just hard to do sometimes with the unknown around the corner. Then you will probably say that if that was the case then my corner entry speed should have been lower to cater for the unknown... Am I on the right track??? I feel like I am but I now think that I know my mistake from re-reading all this. It was not my turn point, it was not my lean angle per say... It was my visual skills which was the problem, because I was not looking far enough ahead in order to see in advance how much lean I would need in order to make the corner. This makes me want to stall on the roll-on because I am unsure of my destination. If I looked through the corner further, I would have gotten the correct lean and been confident enough to apply the throttle rule. Better?? Gosh I can't wait for Level 2 and 3!!!
  11. Thanks Bullet, Next school I attend we'll see if you can make up for it by instructing me for the day... I would enjoy that. OK so I forgot to put my question, seeing as this is a School Question section... For a quick turn, is it fair to say that on a good traction surface, with warmed tyres, off throttle, approaching a corner, that I can steer the bike as hard as I dare without concern for losing the front?? Is this then dependent on getting back on the gas to stabilise the bike?? I know that I would want to get back on the gas as soon as, but for the actual quick turn, is there a limit as to how hard you can steer the bike??? I feel as though this may be true to some extent but I have not been able to experiment with it too much... In the drills at school, I turned as hard as I felt necessary, but I know I can put alot more bar pressure than I have so far... Also, for the last turn in Stowe before the straight, at times my apex was wrong and my projected line in my head was taking me beyond the white line. I ended up having to delay my roll-on a bit until I was sure that I was not going to go wide. Instead of delaying the roll-on (roll-on, freeze, continue roll-on) would it be a better plan to get on the gas more??? Would I also need small steering adjustments too, or would more gas alone tighten my line???
  12. Good Day All, Where to start??? I posted previously under "Level 1 - Silverstone Stowe, My first CSS school day", and now I have completed Level I, I have to let you know how it went for me... For those associated with the school, I was on Hire-bike, Green 32, half chinese guy with a goatee, and talk with a Caribbean accent. In one word... Extraordinary!!! When I arrived at Silverstone I was sent here and there to get the correct stickers so I would be allowed into the circuit where the school is... I met Bullet (instructor), who was a very nice guy, and told me that he was my instructor for the day... GREAT!!! I knew his name from the forums so he already seemed familiar to me, but the way he spoke with me made me feel like he knew ME from before too, which he did not... So I pull up and enter the main area, and all the staff as well as students were easy to talk to, and made me feel very welcome. Spoke with Andy Ibbot and again, seemed like talking to a mate that I had not seen in 2 days... Made me feel right at home and very comfortable, even though it was the first time I ever spoke with him, ever. I was pretty nervous to be honest... Riding a different bike (school's R6) from what I am accustomed to (CBR600F), but the bike was great and confidence inspiring!!! And tyres were always warm as it was delivered to me by the other student coming off hot laps... One less thing to think about!!! Class sessions were direct and to the point, while giving the students time to think about the problems to be addressed, before giving us the answers to what and why we need to do certain things on the bike... In order to perform my job as a rider. All classroom sessions were masterfully presented by Glen, and then we were given the opportunity to have a go at applying them on track. For one reason or another, Bullet was not able to be my instructor for the day and Paul (Holywood) took over for him for me. Get Well Soon, Bullet!!! First session out, I was just pootling around (no brakes), and trying to push harder and harder without overstepping my abilities, but really trying to apply the drills... I was getting comfy and a bit faster with more confidence than ever before, and then I see Hollywood pull up alongside me (THERE?!?! How'd you end up alongside me THERE?!?!?! {Because they ride really well and really quickly when they need to catch up to their students}) And he signals me in to go into the pits... So there I am thinking, Oh Boy!!! Gonna get a talking to aren't I??? I wonder why??? I went with an open mind into the pits, just as I see the Checkered flag for that session come out... OK only one lap lost then... I pull up with Hollywood, and I am ready to take in whatever he tells me in a constructive manner, and he tells me that I was doing really well. So of course, I ask, BUT?!?!?! He says, but nothing, you are doing great!!! Now I know I had a few problems in a few corners, on only a few laps, but hearing this made my day!!! Ok so I am not looking like a Squid, nor a hooligan nor am I looking like a try-hard... good start!!! Throughout the day I was told that I had good accuracy for my turn points and good consistency for hitting them and was nice and smooth coming out of the corners... And so the day went times 5... 5 classroom sessions, 5 drills to do on track. I really tried to concentrate on the drills one by one, so I could see what works and what does not... Before sending you on track you are asked, what is the drill?? What is the format for the drill?? Every time. It was good to see that care was taken to ensure that everyone knew the drills to be worked on, for the benefit of the student as well as safety of all other students... Mostly I would be riding my own ride, and waiting a few corners behind other riders before I decide to overtake, then I would sense someone next to me, and I would see Hollywood give me a thumbs up and then tear off ahead to catch up to other riders that were under his care... Alot of thumbs ups made my day too, as I was not pulled into the pits anymore... and I just kept doing what I was doing, and trying to go just a bit quicker each session... (You have to push yourself, before even reaching close to pushing the bike...) The biggest criticism I received from the instructor was that of body position being a bit crossed up... Well seeing that that was the first time I ever experimented with body position, even though that was not part of my drills, I was well happy with that, as it meant that my actual drills that I was working on were being handled pretty well... Throttle, Turn Points, Quick Steering, Rider Input and 2-Step... I worked on the body position as an aside to my drills, and it just felt better and better!!! I was so focussed on each drill, that I was not using 2-step though I try to on the roads... Hollywood asked me what problem corners I had and I said that from turn one into two, I was never in the right place for turn 2 as I took turn one too sharply (as I was experimenting with quick turning and getting as much lean as I dared (personal exercise, not endorsed by the school)). Well, by the last session, the 2-step drill just put everything into place, and I took turn 1 and 2 as basically one corner because I was finally seeing all that I needed to in order to take it all in rythym... My last session was done with all smiles behind my visor, and it made my riding smooth and easy!!! At the end of the day, I wished that I had signed up for Level 2 the next day, but I know that I would be exhausted as I was really putting effort into pushing my own personal boundaries so that I could improve my foundation exercises... Now I can't wait to see the pictures, so I can see what I was looking like out there... And so the quest for better cornering skills continues!!! I will post up some pics when I get them so you can see me in action... So to anyone who has the intention of riding a bike quickly and safely and understanding your job as the rider of a motorcycle, I fully and whole-heartedly recommend the California Superbike School. Second to none, it WILL make you a more confident rider!!! And with confidence, comes great things, like speed, and most importantly, FUN!!! I will definitely be back for the remaining levels, and I will be working on my Level One drills every day, every ride. They make THAT much of a difference to your riding... This said after reading TOTW 1 & 2 MANY times, as well as Soft Science... It just makes so much difference having someone work with you directly. Thank You to all staff at SSL that made my day an unforgetable one. You know who you are. ( I will not mention names as I cannot remember them ALL and they ALL deserve the praise and thanks!!!) JasonK.
  13. Summer??? In UK??? Isn't that over already???? hahahaha I wish I could do Level 1 and THEN have my summer!!!
  14. Hi, I have just signed up for Level 1 which will be at Silverstone Stowe on September 12th. I will be riding up to Silverstone on Friday after work, from London. I will be hiring the school bike, and then riding back home at the end of the day. I am 34 years old and I have been riding for only a year and a half, CBR600F, my first bike. I ride to work every day, but it is only 7 miles, but heavy London traffic... 6 months after getting my license, a group rode to Germany and I rode on the Nurburgring, but riding was so new to me, I was proper rubbish, but it was fun and I was going for the goal of making it back alive as opposed to trying to do things I did not know how to do on that crazy arse track!!! I then went to a Rockingham track day and was definitely the slowest of the day... I think I passed a girl on a 400 late in the evening, just because I wanted to pass SOMEONE!!! hahaha... Oh I also did a Better Riding Day at Cadwell Park (I love that track!!!) I have read Twist books 1 and 2, as well as Soft Science... I always thought that Twist 2 was so much better because it is so much more detailed with specific techniques, etc... However, after lending a friend my "bible", I picked up Twist 1 for another re-read, in preparation for the school and furthering my knowledge and understanding, and I must say that I have found a further appreciation for Twist 1... Only on Chapter 3 right now, but something about the way that Chapter 2 (What You Do) was written really gave me insight into the message behind the book... It has made me aware that I need to be aware of what I am doing in order to experiment and make changes to what I do in order to improve... Unfortunately I am a chicken ###### (read - sensible) and am not willing to experiment on the public roads... Something about crashing a car at over a ton into a concrete lamppost and having an engine and dashboard on my lap for 2 hours while they cut me out has made me alot less reckless than I used to be... I want to ride faster, I want to ride more confidently while riding faster... I want riding to be almost effortless for me. I know my problems (besides thinking too much) but when I fix them they stay fixed for about ....... a minute?!?!? Problems such as an unnaturally stiff left arm, a wariness of leaning on the right (broke my right femur and knee ligaments in the car accident so that is probably a large part of it)... I know that I can improve and I know that I will love it!!!! I just need practice. And lots of it, as well as proper instruction (that's where you come in!!!) I have no idea what it feels like to be at maximum lean angle... I STILL have about a centimetre of chicken strips on my tyres, but I love riding anyhow, and I am not willing to bin it so early in my riding "career" as I plan to ride for many many years again, and I do not want my confidence broken so early. I can counter steer kind of quickly, but only "SO" much... I have no idea how to make myself push that damn bar for longer, to make it lean more... I know lean is a by-product of higher speed, but I just cannot do it on the roads... Too many variables and unknowns and blind corners with cagers doing their own thing... SO, that is why I have signed up for the school.... I want to break through some of my personal barriers, I want advice and tuition that I can count on... I believe everything in Keith's books... everything!!! When an instructor at Cadwell Park told me to get on the gas before turning into the corner, and I asked twice... Are you SURE?!?!?! and he said yes both times, I still did not listen to him because I knew that it was not quite right for some of those corners!!! Also when a friend told me to weight my inside peg to initiate a turn, I KNOW that I do not NEED to... Because of the Twist books and the information therein confirming the things I feel on my bike everyday... Because all my riding is on road, I do not hang off, but when I experiment with shifting my butt (lefts only, just cannot seem to do it naturally on rights) it just feels so much better and stable and in control... What I am trying to say is... I can't wait to go to the school. I am as excited as I have ever been in my life!!! Since this is in the school questions section... my question is... How can I be patient waiting for September's school?!?!?!
  15. Thanks, that's what I was thinking... I asked the guy like 5 times to clarify, as I was baffled by the timing he was suggesting.... I can see that at slow speeds it would be like just riding along, constant throttle and lean into a bend in the road, but for a real corner, the thought of being on the throttle BEFORE actually adding lean was going against my feelings as well as everything I have studied / read... I guess he was saying to crack the throttle, not really ADD a bunch of it, but it still feels uncertain to me, AND my bike!! I have tried it and even at slow speeds, the tendency is to go a bit wide and not hold a predictable tight line through OR I had to turn almost all of my attention to throttle control in order to steer with the throttle a lil more...... Gonna keep at it, and keep trying to get my rights as tight as my lefts!!! Damned stiff left arm I tell you!!!! Has a mind of its own!!! In Keith Code's article on lefts vs rights, he says to try to mirror the position from good side to bad side, and after reading that AGAIN yesterday, I realise that that left arm is bent but rigid, and I am not getting my head / shoulder / body over to the right enough to "go with the flow..." When I consciously apply that recommendation, the rights are even better than the lefts, but inconsistently... MUST. KEEP. PRACTISING!!!
  16. Good day All!!! I have been lurking on these forums as a guest for over a year now... I have bought and read (many times), Twist 1 & 2, Soft Science, even Total control by LeeParks, and Proficient Motorcycling by ???... Alot of reading, I know, but I like to get all the info I can before delving into something... I really respect Mr Code and his instructors, and I cannot wait to do Level 1. No idea when and where, but I will get to Level 4 over the next few years... I am 32 and have been riding a grand total of 10 months, only when I moved to England... I could not get the guts to ride in Trinidad where I am from, as the roads are quite dangerous there (potholes, crazy drivers, and not very much law enforcement on the roads RE: speed limits, etc...) I am a safe rider on the streets, and track experience is limited... Rode to Germany to ride the infamous Nurburgring (first ever track I rode on), have since done a track day at Rockingham Raceway, and a Safer riding day at Cadwell Park with Hopp Rider Training... All on my 2003 CBR 600F. After each of those days, my riding and confidence has improved drastically. I try to ride by feel, but with the knowledge I gained from the books. I try to two-step my vision, wide view, improve throttle control using rule #1, etc etc etc... I even had the privelege to talk to people who HAVE attended your school (Phil Hacker the Doc who races in an FJR series in UK) and he guided me with shoulder charging and pivot steering to help with my rights... My riding is still very upright body position wise, as my corner speeds are rather slow still, but I am working up slowly, as if I take a spill, I know that it will knock my confidence really badly. I prefer lefts, as my countersteering input is separate from my throttle hand. Rights are a bit "wobbly" at times, if you know what I mean... When they are, I quickly recall what went wrong and I already know the main causes = not looking far enough ahead and therefore not being smooth, my left arm is always rather stiff so I fight with the steering a bit, and the timing of my throttle application could use some work as well... I am sure that my tyres getting a bit squared off also makes me fight the lean, as all of a sudden the bike feels like it "drops" into the corners nowadays... Through all of this, I KNOW what I am supposed to do... I am working on keeping that information at the back of my mind, and trying to FEEL the bike more, as I already have the info in my head, but I believe that I need to not THINK as much and just DO. However, there is one thing that I would like clarification on, though I know that every rider is a lil different... That is, on approaching a corner, I usually, brake and downshift, til my speed is comfortable for me (read SLOW), make my steering input and then try to SLOWLY crack the throttle and get a good drive out of the corner. However at the Cadwell Park day, an instructor told us that we should crack the throttle BEFORE making the steering input. I am really trying to do so, but I guess that the old adage of Look, Lean, Roll is still in my head and therefore I steer (lean) before getting on the throttle (roll). I see that this is ok for on the streets, but I wonder if this may result in losing the front end when my speeds gradually rise... I find that getting on the throttle before the steering input makes me want to go wide, and I KNOW that that is because I need to lift my eyes more and look further ahead, and that it won't feel as though I am into the corner without having turned yet... I really need to get to Level 2 (I think) and try the slide bike so that I can give it some stick leaned over and get a sense of how much throttle could really be applied before sliding or losing the rear... Without crashing my beautiful bike. So, I ask... In general, is it advisable to crack the throttle BEFORE making a steering input??? Read this as 2 questions... one for street, one for track, that is if the answers to both are different... Thanks for your time and input in advance... Can't wait to use the bike to more of it's capabilities, and I know that the school is the real answer so I can practice practice practice!!! Thank You.
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