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Everything posted by warregl

  1. Hey Gorecki, I have the Knox Aegis and have been very happy with it. I haven't tested it out in "anger" but it is comfortable and feels like good coverage. It was highly recommended by the guys at Sportbiketrackgear.com and they seem to know their gear (at least you are talking to someone who actually uses the gear when you call them). Plus it's Knox so I figured the quality was there. As for fit, I had my suit made with measurements that were taken with me wearing it (and the corresponding chest protector) however it does seem realitively low profile (but adding both would be tight if your suit fit well to begin with). FWIW...the Force Field was my other choice. Best, Carey
  2. Indeed I have. I've used the school's S1000RRs for all my classes and I have considered trading the KR on one. Sadly the current market is not condusive to selling an esoteric naked German motorcycle unless you are willing to take a serious arse kicking and I just can't justify having two of them...yet. Another couple of track days on one and I might change my mind. BTW...Are the Autotune, SFM, and LCD exclusive to the PC5 or will they work with other models?
  3. Hey Cobie, I like the idea of a gear discussion forum. There is a multitude of manufacturers, brands, and styles of riding gear out there and getting real world feedback on members' experiences would be useful. I'm also interested in more technical discussions; on where the technologies are going, what's working, what isn't. A couple of years ago I bought a jacket with D3O armor. It's a great jacket over all; good fit, nice functionality, great rain and wind protection, however I can tell you I am not overly impressed with the D3O armor. I have not had to test it in anger but just banging my elbow into the wall (scientific testing) I can say I would rather ride out an incident with the old fashioned armor in my other gear. Does anyone have any experience with the D3O or knowledge that might be useful or just plain interesting? Best, Carey
  4. Hi Tim, Thanks for startiing up this section. As with all the efforts put forth to make this forum what its, we appreciate it! I have a PCIII on my BMW K1200R. KRs are notorious for running lean on the low end, having a flat or dead spot in the mid range, and then coming alive around 6K (and boy does she come alive!). The power commanader was the number one suggestion on the K bike forums and still I waited a year to do it. When I added it I went ahead and had a custom map done (expensive but worth it I believe) and all I can say is the forums were right, the difference in the throttle response is like night and day. And the extra horses were nice too - she's putting 144 to the pavement which can make the front end prone to hooliganistic behaviors.... . As for why I went Power Commander, it was the recommendation by my local shop (guys I really trust) and the most used model on the K bike forums. I have no frame of reference as to how any of the other makes might perform so I'm looking forward to reading about other member's experiences. Best, Carey
  5. Nice pix Jason. I especially like the tribute to Marko, nice touch sir. And I'm with Gorecki, I'd take 66F right about now. Then again we had low 80s in August at VIR this year so I'm sure it's a trade off.
  6. What kind of cookies did you leave for Santa last year! Whatever they were I'm buying a bushel of them this year. Very nice Tharkun. Now stop grinning, your cheeks are gonna hurt for a month. Be safe, Carey
  7. Nathan, What a great story! It's amazing what a bit of quality instruction can do. And nothing compares to that feeling of accomplishment that conquering a personal fear or barrier can bring. Thanks for sharing your story and good luck in leels 2, 3 & 4. Keep us posted on how you do. Best, Carey
  8. As a fifth generation Floridian this picture is physically painful for me to view! Hard core brother.
  9. The fact that you can and do both really tells me all I need to know. I may never stand on a podium but I know you and your team have made (and continue to make) me a better rider. Many thanks! And happy Father's Day. Best, Carey
  10. So it's one of thos "better from a distance" paint jobs? Or in other words, perfect for the track. Either way I dig the color. Thanks for posting the vid. that looks like a fun track and definitely different than VIR so I am going to have to give it a try. Have a great weekend.
  11. Cobie, Glad to hear you all had a good trip, even considering the Alabama heat. I spent a few years down there myself (War Eagle!) and it's not for the faint of heart. Great news about Jon (I really appreciated his help reviewing my camera bike footage last month). And it's cool that you have another father/son coaching combination at the school. Be safe, Carey
  12. Nice looking bike Gorecki! I dig the matte silver paint. Did you enjoy Summit? I've been thinking about doing a track day up there, something different from VIR.
  13. Glad you got some new pix of yourself for a change JZ. I love that helmet BTW, I have a tie like that… It looks like you had a good time Steve. I wish I could crank that S100RR over like that. Maybe after VIR next month That is a great shot Kia! It looks like the photographer is standing on the apex. Too cool.
  14. I've heard that one is awesome but doesn't it have to be hard mounted to the trailer? I don't own a trailer (storage issues) so I need to be flexible with my mounting hardware.
  15. Good luck slobdog! Post up some pix when you finish (I love DIY). And thanks for the info red. Those straps are going on the list; I think they will work well with my Baxley chock.
  16. That makes perfect sense to me, "learn to crawl before you walk, and walk before your run". I'm doing level's 3 & 4 next month so I'll look forward to those lessons. Thanks.
  17. I'm not sure if this would work in your van but I have thought this Tyre Down product is a stellar idea for trailers. There's a review at: http://www.webbikewo...er-tie-down.htm And here's their website: http://www.kyaracing.com.au/ Has anyone here used this or anything like it? It would seem to alleviate some of the pressure needed on the fork seals in more traditional tie down options.
  18. I was probably assuming too much with this statement and should have said "could" instead of "would" since as Slobdog pointed out biker B might be applying progressive braking and not over-stressing his traction. Would this be an example of proper trail braking maybe? We didn't cover this in CSS but I understand it is an accepted practice by some riders. But to Crash's initial question, if biker A is at proper entry speed should he be "off" the throttle? I read it to mean that by "off the throttle" he meant closing it rather than maintaining it.
  19. If I understand you question correctly then to my understanding of throttle control from level 1, the answer is no. You set your entry speed, go neutral on the throttle, quick turn, and then begin to steadily roll on the throttle maintaining the 40% front to 60% rear weight distribution and keep the suspension in the "sweet spot". It would appear to me that in your example biker B would have an unsettled suspension and would be loading the front tire and demanding more traction from the front contact patch than is completely necessary. If I am mis-understanding or mis-representing the lesson on throttle control please correct me. I am not by any means an expert and am posting as much to clarify my understanding as Crash's!
  20. Being Casey Stoner. They don't call him an Alien for nothing . All kidding aside, that picture is of a world champion. In his world, some of the rules (and coaching) that apply to mere mortals are bent, broken, or just plain ignored. Jason addressed some of this in an earlier post: Now if your question is more along the lines of why it works for him...maybe Jason or Cobie will chime in again...
  21. My list is a bit more modest. Aside from the assortment of dirt bikes I had growing up, it consists of: Kawasaki 600R Suzuki GSX-R750 Yamaha R6 Currently I ride a BMW K1200R and I'm considering adding a dedicated track bike. Thanks to my first 2 levels with CSS, I've got "S1000RR" on the brain but that is probably not in the cards this year.
  22. I'm curious if any one is familiar with the product this video (or any like it): I've not looked into adding video to my equipment but the gyro does provide a cool visual (albeit not as useful as all the info on that SmaryCam).
  23. It amazes me, they are living personification of being "in-tune" with their machines. I know that's why they are where they are but it's amazing non the less, probably more so since I know how bloody hard it is for my uncoordinated carcass. And you are dead on about their conditioning, they are serious athletes, anyone who doubts that just needs to spend a day at the track!
  24. I'm an old Florida boy myself so warm weather is my preferred clime. Probably the only thing I don't really like about Virginia is January and February so I was most pleased when the weather took an unexpected up turn this past weekend. It made it all the way up to 54! And we had rain Friday night so most of the sand and salt was washed off of the roads. I took full advantage of this unseasonable weather and reacquainted my posterior with the saddle. It wasn't "70 degrees" good but at least I wasn't numb when I finally hit the garage. You SoCal folks think happy thoughts about us poor shlubs back east would you please? And Jason, all I can say is hydrate well!
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