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I'm Jumping In....

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....to the fire!


Hi, I'm Scott and this is my first post. I live on the central coast of California and after a long (14 year) absence from riding I've taken it back up with a passion. I had a '78 GS550 and an '87 CBR 600 that I sold in 1994 after my daughter was born. Well, I've wanted to get another bike for some time so I bought an '08 Gixxer 1000 back in July. What can I say...I'm hooked again!


The salesman at the Suzuki dealership told me about Keith's school so I did my research and I've been very impressed with what I've read and heard. I also bought and read TOTW 1&2. In September, my 9yr old son and I went up to Laguna Seca and watched the AMA races and got a chance to meet a few of the riders. I've never ridden on a track before and I was definately wowed by the whole scene. My 9 yr old son said "Dad, you should do that"....


So, here I am. I just signed up for Level 1 at Sears Point next week and Level 2 at Laguna Seca the following week! Yikes!



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Howdy. I'm dying to go to Laguna Seca. It's been a few years since my wife and I first started saying "well, next year."

I kinda lucked into Laguna. I heard that it was one of the most popular (if not the most) tracks and there was a waiting list already for next year. I emailed Whitney to add my name to the list and she said that an opening had just come up in two weeks in the Level 2 class. I jumped on it.


If I were you I would just go for it 'cause you can put off an opportunity like this until it's too late....




btw....I lived in the Phoenix area for 10 years. ASU grad. How's life in the valley?

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Hi Scott,


Nice! Jump right in, and welcome to the forum at the same time. Laguna is a fun track, we should have good schools there on those days.


If you get a moment, come say hello to me, I'll be there.




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Howdy. I'm dying to go to Laguna Seca. It's been a few years since my wife and I first started saying "well, next year."



btw....I lived in the Phoenix area for 10 years. ASU grad. How's life in the valley?

Hate this place with a passion. My wife is from here, so we're closer to her family. When I lived in Louisiana I didn't think any other state could be as rock bottom until I got here. They're installing traffic camera's EVERYWHERE so they can make more money off the citizens. They've made no secret about it. They have mobile camera's that they can park where ever they want. The state is about to lose federal financing because the pollution here is so bad, and they aren't working on it. All the gambling money and state taxes isn't enough for them to waste, they want more. The wetbacks have it made, but an American citizen doesn't stand a chance, and it's no more blatant in any state.

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Thanks Cobie.


You bet I will say hello! I'll be easy to recognize. I'll be the one staggering around @ 7am 'cause I'm not much of a morning person. Hope there's a Starbucks on the way to the track!


Actually if you are staying in Monterey and coming up highway 68, there is a s/bucks on the corner of 68 and the only real fork to Del Rey Oaks (maybe highway 214?). There is a strip mall at the corner there Easy to find. Now, we'll also have some decent coffe at the track too. And an espresso machine for those that need that and know how ot use it (I don't drink coffee, my wife thinks I'm lacking as a person because of it).




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(I don't drink coffee, my wife thinks I'm lacking as a person because of it).





LOL! :lol:


I'm conflicted. I love my coffee (and espresso!), especially in the morning. But, it is nasty stuff. Very unhealthy. Really bad for your heart and your liver. Especially espresso which is brewed without a paper filter to absorb the oils that contain enough cholesterol to choke a horse. :P

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LOL! :lol:


I'm conflicted. I love my coffee (and espresso!), especially in the morning. But, it is nasty stuff. Very unhealthy. Really bad for your heart and your liver. Especially espresso which is brewed without a paper filter to absorb the oils that contain enough cholesterol to choke a horse. :P


I'll confess to an occasional mocha, and I wouldn't think a little coffee now and again would be that bad.

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Thx Cobie. I'll find it Monday morning. The coffee @ the track Tuesday (Sears Point) was good. I really didn't need it anyway 'cause once I got on the track , I got a SERIOUS waking up!!


Nice meeting you and had a great time. I emailed Whitney to ask for you on the 17th for Level 2.


See you next week...



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Thx Cobie. I'll find it Monday morning. The coffee @ the track Tuesday (Sears Point) was good. I really didn't need it anyway 'cause once I got on the track , I got a SERIOUS waking up!!


Nice meeting you and had a great time. I emailed Whitney to ask for you on the 17th for Level 2.


See you next week...




Hi Scott--OK, shoot me a pm or e-mail and give me your last name, should be able to get you as a student that day, I will be riding.



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Thx Cobie. I'll find it Monday morning. The coffee @ the track Tuesday (Sears Point) was good. I really didn't need it anyway 'cause once I got on the track , I got a SERIOUS waking up!!


Nice meeting you and had a great time. I emailed Whitney to ask for you on the 17th for Level 2.


See you next week...




Hi Scott--OK, shoot me a pm or e-mail and give me your last name, should be able to get you as a student that day, I will be riding.



and I will be following......hmmm make that I will TRY to follow......



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