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Hi All,


My name is Harry and I've been lurking on the website for about a year ever since I heard of Keith Code's name and school. I had to find out more. I decided to stop lurking and start learning/contributing to help Cobie out. I've been riding for a year now and own a 2008 Honda CBR 600RR. I plan to go to school in the future and Cobie has e-mailed me information since I wasn't sure if I was ready yet. (Handling of the controls is not a problem, shifting, braking, etc.) I want to get a little bit more comfortable on the bike, but it's a catch-22 at times. You can spend it trying to get better on your own so that when you go to CSS you can spend time learning more difficult concepts, but the downside is, if you learn it incorrectly, you'll have to untrain yourself. I have read both TOTW 1 & 2 and Soft Science, as well as every other book out there. I keep going back and they make more sense the more I ride. I look forward to talking and learning from you guys and gals.




Hey Harry, Glad you decided to throw your hat in the ring. I understand your situation, as I was in a pretty similar spot before going to my first superbike school. The cool thing about the amount of personal attention that you get at school is that, while there is a curriculum that they are teaching, the coaches are willing to listen to questions and give input on various things, even if it seems basic or simple. They will reinforce what you are doing well at the same time that they challenge you to learn new things. Good luck and have fun.

Hi All,


...but it's a catch-22 at times. You can spend it trying to get better on your own so that when you go to CSS you can spend time learning more difficult concepts, but the downside is, if you learn it incorrectly, you'll have to untrain yourself.


Great observation and you couldn't be more correct. Don't wait too long because the more you ride the more you will learn; some of it will be positive, some of it - not so much. Those things you will need to un-learn will get in your way once you do attend.




Howdy Harry. I'm at about that point. I'm stuck, and am working hard to correct my bad habits (and will post more self observations from my recent trackday) and am dying to attend this school. What made me want it more was watching Peter Lenz and Joe Roberts (?) chew up my local track, and keep pace with the fastest local racers we have while they were only on 125's.

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