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New Here - St. Louis, Mo

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Sup everyone, my name is Jacob and I am currently in the IL side suburbs of St. Louis, MO. 8 year Air Force veteran now DoD Civilian working for the Army for the past 5 years. I grew up riding dirt bikes like most, since like 10 or 11, been riding street since 2000. First bike was a 99 Honda F4, great first bike, current ride is an 08 CBR1KRR (love it). I wouldn't be here if I didn't love and prefer the twisty bits over all other riding. We love hitting the twisties in southeast MO. 400 miles (approx 150 highway) on a Saturday isn't uncommon for us, but we have to hit the highway to get to get bits, but well worth it.


I have about 10 or so track days under belt over the past 2 year and love em with about 10 more planned for this season. Myself and two other riding buddies are signed up for two consecutive 1 day courses at Barber on 4 and 5 June, level I and II respectively. Anyone else going? Should be a great time...before then we have two track days and a trip to the Arkansas Gap to do before June, but we all are looking forward to CSS.

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Hi Jacob,


Welcome to the forum and may I also say thanks for your service! It sounds like you have quite a busy track season planned and the Arkansas Gap sounds like fun. Barber should be a blast and I think you will find the classes very useful. There is also a ton of help here on the forum so don’t be afraid to jump in.







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