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Goodness Me!


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Yep, I watch this a while back. But why would you want to that!!!!!


I say that as someone who has never got their knee down. Apart from one off :blink:

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Yep, I watch this a while back. But why would you want to that!!!!!



Not sure why you would want to do it, as he clearly destabilises the bike getting back up from it......looks like he knew the limits though.


Blooming impressive leg/core strength to do that!


Great quick turn too :oD

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Hahaha - Ghilli Man! :lol:

That vid has been cut short and uploaded by someone else, this is the original:


Why do it? I suppose it's just the logical progression... knee down, then elbow down, right? Head down... it's something to do? :lol:


One things for sure - this as well as stuff like dragging your left hand on the ground through a corner are sure ways to tell if the rider is making any incorrect inputs. :blink:

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